Tunnels, Lights ... Space and Time … the difference between Near - TopicsExpress


Tunnels, Lights ... Space and Time … the difference between Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and Death Death Experiences (DDEs) “Larger Consciousness creates of timelessness and spacelessness a form, it is the sperm and the ova. In this way we create space, the three-dimensional reality … its first limitation….” “…after a period of space, but not time, in the womb … that is, a timelessness … birth happens. And consciousness or Experience is further reduced through the experience of birth. Birth creates time … our three-dimensional reality becomes a four-dimensional reality. More than that, the foundation of our being and personality is built on these events. Hence, everything we are grows out of these events, as much as the plant or tree emanates from its roots. Another way of saying this, our personalities are stamped with the traumatic events of our cellular and birth experiences.” “NDE experiencers were beings of Form … beings of space and time … getting a glimpse of the No-Form state. So what they experienced happened within the context of that “container” of limitations, patterned upon past, and very often traumatic, experiences.” “On the other hand, DDE experiencers lost all form. They experienced the No-Form state without limitations and tendencies of perception. You might say they experienced the state of our being before the creation of sperm and ova … before we had imposed limitations of space and time.” “…we discovered, it is not, as once thought, that there is a tunnel and a light at death, not at real death. Those experiences, it turns out, came about because people were seeing the beyond through some of their earliest memories from their most recent Form state, the experiences of their current body. They were seeing through a “window,” let’s say.” “…in an NDE … that birth imprint skews the experience we have and we might see a tunnel … which coincides with and is rooted in our experience of a birth tunnel. The light… in an NDE … is a revivification of the light we experienced at birth, when coming out of the womb. Several other elements of an NDE, we found, were rooted in the unconscious memories of our birth, womb, or cellular existences.” “…in the actual death state, these perceptions and interpretations of experience do not occur. One goes back to the state way before birth, all the way back to before the creation of sperm and ova.” “…let’s say an NDE is like someone being thrust suddenly into water. They are a person and are perceiving it like a human or person of Form having the experience of water. Like a swimmer does … better said, like we would experience rain. While, in the DDE, it is like we discover a more profound, No-Form, beingness … like we discover we are a fish who suddenly realizes it has been in water the entire time.” “…after experiencing a No-Form existence, one which DDE experiencers take to like a fish to water…. Once they come back to a more reduced awareness, it is like they cannot simply forget something that is easily known, that’s all around them, that they’re immersed in and have always been immersed in, though they were always looking away from it in different directions….” “It is like NDE experiencers were in the process of losing their human, birth-contaminated form and were still to some extent seeing through that veil of birth pain. In a sense, NDEs were re-experiencing their births. Or one might say they were experiencing their births and deaths simultaneously … confusing the two, mixing up their elements, overlapping them.” “Another way of looking at it is that the reducing valve of the brain has been removed and, once returned, it cannot be put back…. Rather, one is not as deluded by it. One doesn’t “believe in” the limitations we all unconsciously embrace as humans.” https://facebook/notes/michael-adzema/tunnels-lights-space-and-time-the-difference-between-near-death-experiences-ndes/10152599469503138
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 00:32:30 +0000

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