Turmeric is a kitchen staple . . . In India and is found in just - TopicsExpress


Turmeric is a kitchen staple . . . In India and is found in just about every dish there. It is less common in the West and is often called the poor man’s saffron because of its deep yellow hue and because it is often added as a filler in saffron sold in the US. Turmeric is what gives mustard its distinctive yellow color. Because it is very mild in flavor, turmeric can be added to just about anything without really changing the flavor profile of the dish. So why is turmeric in almost every Indian dish? Do they know something we do not? Apparently they do…turmeric is one of the most powerful healing spices studied to date. It is rich with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that have been shown in an increasing number of studies to protect and heal virtually every organ in the body. Turmeric May Help Prevent or Treat: Acne Gas Allergies Gallbladder disease Alzheimer’s disease Gout Arthritis Gum Disease Asthma Heart Disease Blemishes High blood pressure Cancer Liver Disease Colitis Pain Cystic Fibrosis Parkinson’s Disease Depression Psoriasis Contact Dermatitis Rash Diabetes, Type 2 Scleroderma Eczema Stroke Eye Infection Wounds The active ingredient, curcumin is how turmeric achieves these amazing results. In fact, recent studies by the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center showed that curcumin was more effective at reducing inflammation and fighting cancer (including pancreatic and breast cancer) than anything else studied. The study research professor, Bharat Aggarwal, Ph.D. says: “No cancer has been found, to my knowledge, which is not affected by curcumin. The reason curcumin is so effective against cancer is that it hits not just a single target or cell signaling pathway but dozens of targets implicated in cancer.” There truly is no spice being studied currently that offers more promise than turmeric! Traditional Remedies Because turmeric is apparently such a powerful antioxidant, Indian women have used it traditionally in their beauty regimens for beautiful, radiant skin. This mask, inspired by a recipe from Aggawal’s book, Healing Spices, will nourish your skin with turmeric and smooth lines. It is easy to keep on hand and can be customized depending on what beneficial oil is used. The flour and turmeric mixture can be made in advance and stored in a cool, dry place and then later prepared with oil and water as needed for the mask. Radiant Skin Mask with Turmeric Ingredients ½ cup garbanzo (chickpea) flour 1 ½ Tbsp ground turmeric 5 drops of your favorite beneficial oil. (Remember the Oil Cleansing Method? You can customize this mask based on your skin type!) 1-2 tsp filtered water Beneficial Oils Almond Oil (sweet) softens, soothes and reconditions Avocado Oil rich in essential fatty acids (EFAs) and Vitamins A, B1, B2, D, and E good for those with psoriasis, eczema Borage Seed Oil reduces inflammation and calms skin promotes blood flow good for eczema, acne, rosacea Grapeseed Oil well-absorbed non-allergenic, so good for skin sensitivities Hazelnut Oil astringent good for oily skin Hemp Seed Oil nutrition for your skin – antioxidant, protein, mineral-rich contains Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D, and E high amounts of chlorophyll good for eczema, psoriasis, acne, and dry skin Directions Mix the flour and turmeric and save in an airtight container until you are ready to prepare your mask. To prepare the mask, mix 1 Tbsp of the flour mixture with 5 drops of oil and enough water to make a paste. Smooth the mixture on your face and neck, avoiding the eyes. Let the mixture remain on your face until it dries (about 15 minutes) and then wash it off in the shower. Make sure you remember to take your shirt off before you put this mask on. Avoid getting this mask on your clothes because it might stain! Sit Back and Relax! Make sure you try this mask when you can relax and enjoy it…like while you are taking a nice Epsom salt detox bath! After using this mask your skin will feel unbelievably soft, firm, supple and radiant!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 16:11:01 +0000

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