Tut Makuac Luotkoway Writes, South Sudan Internal Affair - TopicsExpress


Tut Makuac Luotkoway Writes, South Sudan Internal Affair Became a Regional Conflict. South Sudan conflict is not an internal affair anymore since the neighboring countries are dragging in into war. IGAD and the international community have anticipated serious escalation of violent in South Sudan about a month ago. Juba government began to act in a clumsily manner. Instead Kiir regime can devise ideas that can bring conflict to an end, it starts dispatching its members around the world to look for countries to fund the war in South Sudan. On this move, Salva Kiir must know any violence to achieve an end can be counterproductive. Mr. Ateny Wek Ateny was in Khartoum this last Sunday when delivering false statements to the audience. I strongly disagreed with his makings. Juba submitted proposal to IGAD Kiir Regime has chosen war as the right course of action to make its dictator government to stay in power by flaunting peace agreement in Addis Ababa. Its proposal to ask IGAD for help was awkwardly done. Kiir regime has to understand that its legitimacy has typically failed internationally since the government turned itself into tribal government and killed Nuer Ethnic group indiscriminately. IGAD, as legitimate body, has no appetite to contribute collective forces just to kill one ethnic group in South Sudan. It would not happen that way as Juba government anticipated. Eight-country IGAD bloc with the exception of the Uganda and Kenya cannot and will not give Kiir regime a single go to continue Killing innocent civilians. This conflict should have not reached this stage if President Yoweri Museveni was not quickly meddling into South Sudan internal affairs. Kiir got Uganda support before the outbreak of the violent he instigated in December 15, 2013. He planned to cook-up-coup as a gateway to silent his opponents ahead of 2015 elections. Museveni gave Kiir a bad instruction on this plan as its results devastated South Sudanese lives and economy. Another plan by Kiir to ask for help from IGAD was not only to protect his dream to stay in power for live, but also to kill a good number of Nuer(i) so that their (Nuer) power should be diminished in South Sudan for Dinka Bahr El Ghazel to prolong their ruling. Rebels are South Sudanese. If they come to power, they will not burn down the oil to something else or burying capital Juba to underground water and never be seen again. Rebels become legitimate government as the Former SPLM/A became legitimate government when it got its independent in 2011. Therefore, there is no need for IGAD to send troops to protect Kiir’s failed government. He was the one who shot himself in the mouth by killing his soldiers’ (Nuer soldiers) family while serving under his command just because they are not from Dinka ethnic group. To make Salva Kiir accepts IGAD’s proposed interim government and stop killing civilians with cluster bomb, let foreign troops withdraw from South Sudan territory. As the result, Kiir will automatically compromise with peace agreement. At any opportunity he might have missed, rebels will take him away from power. He knows it very well. Press Secretary to president, Mr. Ateny Wek Ateny was giving tedious speech to Sudanese government officials who knew what going on in South Sudan more than him. He tried to tint South Sudan conflict with different colors so as to Sudan should give Juba support to protect oil for Juba against rebels. But Ateny didn’t realize why the audience was not interesting to his speech until he was told to sit down by the chairperson. In simple put, Uganda is the biggest enemy to Sudan. Whatever, Museveni is doing in Juba is against national interest of Sudan. There is no way for Sudan to help Juba that plays double standard card. Unfortunately, Ateny visit to Khartoum received petty considerations. I don’t think is the right idea to keep lion and goat in the same hut because they are your favorite animals. You have to choose one of them to avoid predator to attack prey. Kiir regime has to choose either Uganda or Sudan to have a solid relationship with one. Otherwise, it will lose all of them. UN supports rebels: Ateny Likewise, Mr. Ateny’s alleged accusations of senior UN officials in support of rebel are too superficial and lacking evidences. If UN was helping rebels with tanks and other military equipment, as he said, then, there would be no Kiir government by now. I and the whole world think that Mr. Ateny and his boss Salva Kiir need another reason for IGAD to provide them with 10-battalion to protect their tribal government in Juba and oil fields in Greater Upper Nile. When you see a senior UN official having other business conversation with someone maybe in America, it does not mean that he is talking on behave of the rebels. Mr. Ateny doesn’t even know that UN officials are using Satellite phone to be taped by Kiir staffs or security personnel. Juba needs to train his security personnel whose jobs are dealing with wiring phone conversations. Otherwise, Juba will mistakenly have another war with United Nation that currently operating in South Sudan. Moreover, this is not a first time or second time for Mr. Ateny to lie publicly like this. Not too long ago, Ateny told Uganda reporters, during his visit to Kampala that Dr. Riek Machar announced on the radio that he will carry out a coup against the government on December 16, 2013. This unprecedented lie was challenged before by Dr. Machar’s Press Secretary James Gatdet Dak. He was quoted as asking where on earth a coup should be announced publicly. Today, I realize that Mr. Ateny Wek Ateny is the least naïve politician who can poorly fabricate things without thinking about what readers are going to judge him. No Gradual Withdrawal, but gradual increasing Mr. Ateny must stop misleading the world by telling unexisting evidences to point that Ugandan’s UPDF started gradual withdrawal. We all South Sudanese and know what going on on the ground more than any foreigners who are just watching and reading our current crisis. Ugandan People Democratic Forces is not starting withdrawing or has intension to withdraw. As we know on the ground, UPDF is dramatically increasing its size since the day rebels forces regained the control of the strategic town of Malakal on February 18, 2014. On top of that, February 28, 2014, Uganda airplane was conducting aerial bombardment at the cattle camp in Akoba County, Jonglie State. Many civilians including cattle were killed. Figured will be confirmed by the United Nation personnel this week as crime against humanity committed by Ugandan government on the South Sudan soil. Kenya is no longer playing neutral role. Kenyan C-130 military aircraft has been supplying military equipment including light and heavy machine guns to Lakes State, Warap State, North Bahr El Ghazel, and Mabaan County in Upper Nile State. President Uhuru Kenyatta has been playing covert role in the conflict of South Sudan. Apparently, C-130, with everything in it, has wrongly landed in Nasser county airport, in Upper Nile State on March 2 2014 with the intension to land in Mabaan County that still under control of Salva Kiir. There were three pilots in it. Two Pilots have holding Kenyan ID and the other one was holding Ugandan ID. This concrete evidence told the whole world that Kenya and Uganda are the two East African countries that instigated regional war that will last and cause economic hardship to all East African countries. In addition to that, Kenyan airplane has launched aerial bombardment in Uror County, Jonglie State. Peace talk in Addis Ababa was dramatically come to an halt as the war getting bigger and regional. However, Ethiopia and Sudan must be very wise in Judgments on this event. It’s obviously true that Uganda and Kenya are trying to outsmart these two neighboring countries by keeping them busy on the peace negotiation table while advancing their special interests on south Sudan through military means. Sudan and Ethiopia deserve to have more interests than Uganda and Kenya in Many ways. South Sudan and Sudan have many things in common. South Sudan national language is Arabic once English is an official language. On the other hand, Nuer of South Sudan has social and cultural tight with Nuer Ethiopia. They have the same language and share many core values. If anything goes wrong in South Sudan, it will also affect Ethiopia through many things including influx of population to the Gambella region in Ethiopia. Therefore, Ethiopia has right to make sure South Sudan is peaceful and prosper than Uganda and Kenyan whose their interest is to have access to oil by taking pipeline later on through Kenya. Kiir Regime will not get away with genocide When will Kiir government accept its responsibility on South Sudan conflict? The time now has gone by where ICC has so many questions to be answered. Mr. Ateny and his colleagues who masterminded the genocide in Juba still said they did not kill any single Nuer or looted their properties in Juba. Unlike, Rebels Chief Negotiator General Taban Deng Gai has so far accepted the responsibilities of war crimes to be investigated from rebel’s side even though rebels were acting on reprisal manner. Fortunately, the world knows that Salva Kiir Mayardit along with Makuei Lueth, Marial Cinuor, and Peng Deng Kuol, Kuol Manyang Juuk and other colleagues will go to Hague for the sack of National Reconciliation and peace in South Sudan to get its feet on the ground. Kiir caused defection to South Sudan Army Mr. Ateny was so wrong on what caused defection of SPLA soldiers. He thought it was Dr. Machar who made soldiers to defect for they are Nuer by ethnicity. He did not understand that they defected because Salva Kiir gave presidential order to his tribesmen to go door-to-door search and kill all unarmed Nuer in Juba and looted their properties. No connect between alleged coup and the killing of innocent Nuer people. Ateny must know that. Kiir regime became too confuse to remember what made SPLA army collapses since then. That’s why Mr. Ateny still blaming Dr. Riek Machar over massive troop’s defection in the South Sudan army. In a very simple put, you cannot serve under somebody who killed your family as your commander in Chief. Mr. Ateny has no purpose to blame Dr. Riek Machar who has been joined by tenth of thousands of soldiers who fight for the same cause. Even the General Chief of Staffs plus other will defect soon to rebels side since Kiir still lie to international community that he did not kill a single Nuer. Ateny and his boss Salva Kiir criticized the indirect involvement of foreign countries including Ethiopia. Has Kiir ever asked himself about what still going on in the country? Mr. Ateny and his boss should not be the ones to blame foreign countries’ involvement. If they ever have a sane judgment and well informed about the current situation in South Sudan, Salva Kiir was the first guy to bring in foreign troops, the UPDF of Museveni. He went on again to bring in Kenya. That’s why neighboring countries raised up their concerns about Uganda and Kenya involvement in South Sudan conflict. Everyone knows that it is going to be a regional war since Museveni rapidly sent his troops to South Sudan because it is a threat to his counter parts whom some of them are his enemies. In summary, Salva Kiir failed his legitimacy as a president since he was the one to cook-up-coup just to create himself a political void to secure his third term in 2015 election. Museveni and Uhuru Kenyatta have also helped Kiir creating some sort of violence and get it a name (coup) as a short cut to get rid of his political opponents whose ambitious plans are much better to the minds of many South Sudanese. Also, the conflict will protract itself into something else than many people expected because neighboring countries with their special interests are meddling into the conflict. As the result, the international community and ordinary South Sudanese are not convinced as the evidences of the coup plots are too vague to be digested and superficial to be considered. The author of this article can be reached @ luotmakuac@gmail
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 06:13:51 +0000

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