Tweet 4 1 University of Ghana replies Education Ministry Thursday - TopicsExpress


Tweet 4 1 University of Ghana replies Education Ministry Thursday 20th March , 2014 12:31 pm The University of Ghana Council and management has responded to the Ministry of Education over the closure of its roads to the general public. A statement issued by the University stated that it will be negligent for the authorities to preside over the deterioration of the school’s assets and risk the lives of the university community, hence their decision to restrict access into the institution. This follows an order from the Education Ministry to the university council to furnish it with a detailed report on the state of affairs of the school after the latter began an implementation of a new directive restricting access into the school to the public. The new directive caused public outraged as commuters and parents who were denied access blocked major roads into the school in protest. Some Parliamentarians have given indications they will appeal to the Education Ministry to bring back in Parliament the University of Ghana Act for possible amendment since according to them, the school authorities are seemingly abusing its powers. In the response made available to citifmonline, the University Council explained that it will be “negligent on the part of Council and Management not to take any actions as University assets deteriorate, lives are placed in danger and the work and integrity of the campus as a suitable learning environment are threatened.” They therefore appealed for “greater understanding for the actions they have taken. The University is certainly undergoing significant transformation to make it a better place, befitting the nation’s premier University.” Below is the full report Report to Minister of Education on Restricted Access to University of Ghana History The University of Ghana has traditionally maintained a system of restricted access to its Legon Campus, and indeed to all of its campuses. This has come in the form of motorists being asked to use specific roads for entry. In the past security personnel also asked pedestrians for the purpose of visiting the campus. This was easily enforceable when the University had only one main access point at the front of the campus and another minor access point on the road to Achimota. The road to Achimota was constructed in order to create access for staff staying at Achimota School, and its use has always been restricted. With time, as the community around Legon has grown in size, the use of Legon roads has also increased significantly. The growth created the situation where motorists using roads with restricted access simply used any means possible to gain unauthorized access, including creating new roads through the bushes. The situation became most acute during the construction of the N1 Highway and the rehabilitation of the Madina-Accra road over the last five years. During the construction of these roads, the Ministry of Roads and Highways and Department of Urban Roads approached the University about the need to allow general access to the University’s major roads on a temporary basis. The University was also persuaded to provide land along its boundaries for the construction of a bypass that would take away the traffic that would otherwise have poured into the campus. That was how the Legon Bypass or Boundary Road between Legon and GIMPA was constructed. Similarly, that was how the road from Gulf House to the Boundary Road came into being. The expectation was always that, with the completion of those roads, the campus through- traffic would be reduced to a bearable minimum, as is appropriate for a campus of more than 30,000 students. Unfortunately the expected shift never materialized simply because motorists have found it convenient to drive through the campus. The current use of Legon roads as a public thoroughfare generates significant congestion and anxiety among the mainly pedestrian population. An average of 16,000 vehicles drive through the campus everyday with no business on the campus. Commercial vehicles passing through the campus show extremely little regard for traffic regulations and for the safety of persons. Drivers on the newly constructed Annie Jiagge Road Extension often drive at top speed, thereby endangering the lives of our students and staff. Vehicles trying to avoid traffic on the main routes have resorted to driving through the residential areas, such as Little Legon, and academic areas such as around the N Block. The situation does not promote the serenity required for serious academic work. It is a danger to life and property on the campus. In addition to the difficulties created, the roads experienced acute deterioration as a result of heavy traffic. Various efforts to obtain budgetary support for the maintenance of roads failed. Assistance promised by the Ministry of Roads and Highways never materialized. It was for these reasons that the University took a facility of GHC 8 million to repair its roads. The University Council in approving the loan facility recognized the fact that the loan would be repaid by levying a charge on the users of the road. This was rightly seen as both a lawful and legitimate proposition. The user charges were also expected to lead to a decongestion of the roads by inducing a change in the behavior of motorists and generate revenue for the future maintenance of Legon roads. The user charges were suspended on 22nd February 2014, following the intervention of the Government with a promise to take over the entire loan. Current Policy Following the suspension of the application of user charges, traffic volumes which had declined by 50% jumped again to pre-user charge levels. There is no doubt about the fact that the user charges were extremely useful in keeping traffic down. Following the new increase in traffic after the suspension of user charges, members of the University community petitioned Management by emails on the need to place new restrictions on the entry of vehicles into the campus. This led to discussions at a meeting of the Business and Executive Committee on 26th February 2014 and a proposal to return to a policy of restricting access through the use of stickers distributed to selected persons after being processed. This policy was approved by the Council of the University on 27th February 2014. (See policy statement attached). It is important to emphasise the fact that this was simply a return to an old practice. The policy statement on vehicle entry restrictions was communicated to the Minister of Roads and Highways and the Chief of Staff on 28th February 2014 by the University. Implementation of Policy of Restricted Access The policy statement was released to the general public on 27th February 2014. The statement made it clear that implementation would begin on 15th March 2014, 17 clear days after it had been issued. The statement was widely circulated in the print media, through radio announcements and by electronic dissemination. The University also caused to be printed thousands of flyers that were distributed to motorists who used the Legon roads regularly. Large visible banners were hung at the various entry points with the inscription “Effective 15th March 2014, NO STICKER, NO ENTRY, NO EXIT”. The University also developed a video clip to explain the rationale behind the exercise, and this was telecast on GTV at prime time on Thursday, 13th March 2014 as a public education exercise. Hence, the likelihood that any motorist using the road was unaware of the new requirement was certainly minimal. At 6 am on Saturday, 15th March 2014, security personnel of the University moved to enforce the new rules. Implementation of the new regulations worked well over the weekend with isolated incidents of motorists refusing to comply with the regulations. On Monday, 17th March 2014, however, the implementation of the policy was completely derailed by a number of motorists, including some parents of pupils at the University Basic School, refusing to accept the new regulations at the University’s Link Gate entry point. Their decision to block the road with their vehicles caused mayhem at the entry point, and this is highly regrettable. The blockade made it impossible for free shuttle buses that had been made available by the University to be reached by potential users. It needs to be pointed out that the chaos at the Link Gate was fuelled to a very large extent by widespread misinformation and misrepresentation from the Press. The misinformation was fed to the wider population designed to cause disaffection towards the University and its Management. This was reflected by the fact that efforts by University PR personnel and members of the community to correct misrepresentations went largely unheeded by sections of the Press. With the assistance of personnel from the Ghana Police Service, the situation was returned to normal by mid-day on that day. Current Situation at Entry Points On Tuesday, 18th March 2014, the situation at all entry points returned to normal. The University has entered into agreements with duly registered commercial drivers on how they may obtain stickers in order to be authorized to use restricted entry points. The University is mobilizing buses for its shuttle service and this is working well. The procedure to acquire stickers has been made a lot easier and faster. It is the expectation of the University that, in the absence of any unforeseen interventions, the situation would remain normal for the conduct of regular University business. Conclusion It is the responsibility of the University Council and University Management to protect work, staff, local as well as foreign students, at the University. The right of the University community to protection is not less important than that of any other persons. It is also the responsibility of Council and Management to protect the assets of the University as required by law. It will therefore be negligent on the part of Council and Management not to take any actions as University assets deteriorate, lives are placed in danger and the work and integrity of the campus as a suitable learning environment are threatened. The University Council and Management appeal for greater understanding for the actions they have taken. The University is certainly undergoing significant transformation to make it a better place, befitting the nation’s premier University. This calls for support from the Government, Parliament, the Press and the general public and not animosity and prioritisation of only the convenience of commuters who have access to university-provided alternative routes.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 22:03:47 +0000

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