Twelth technique of meditation Whe you are sitting in a - TopicsExpress


Twelth technique of meditation Whe you are sitting in a place, feel that you have become weightless, there is no weight. You will feel that somewhere or other there is weight, but go on feeling the weightlessness. It will happen. A moment comes when you feel that you are weightless, that there is no weight. When there is no weight you are no more a body, because the weight is of the body -- not of you. You are weightless. for science nothing can be weightless, even sunrays have weight. Weight is material, but you are not a weight. You are immaterial. If you try this technique of weightlessness, you just have to conceive of yourself as weightless and feel that your body has become weightless. If you go on feeling, feeling, feeling, a moment comes when suddenly you realize that you are weightless. You are already, so you can realize it anytime. And when you do not feel weight you are beyond mind. The mind also has weight; everyones mind has a different weight. but your consciousness is weightless. To feel this consciousness, you have to feel weightlessness. when once you are ill, it begins to be a long sequence; one illness, then another, and then another -- because once you are ill you become unprotected, vulnerable, non-resistant. Then anything can enter into you. Your presence protects the body. The moment you leave it, anything can enter into the body. Secondly, when you are happy you always feel weightless; when you are sad you always feel more weight, as if something is pulling you down. The gravitation becomes much more. When you are sad, you are more weighty. When you are happy, you are light. Because when you are happy, whenever you feel a blissful moment, you forget the body completely. When you are sad, suffering, you cannot forget the body, you feel the weight of it. It pulls you down -- down to the earth, as if you are rooted. In happiness you are weightless. In sorrow, sadness, you become weighty. In deep meditation, when you forget your body completely, you can levitate. Even the body can go up with you. Deep in meditation you forget your body completely, and the identification is broken. The technique of SIDDHASAN, the way Buddha sits, is the best way to be weightless. Sit on the earth -- not on any other thing. on the ground you are the nearest to nature. you feel more weight if your body is leaning this way or that way. Then your body has more area to be affected by gravity. While you are standing less area is affected. Mahavir always meditated standing -- always, because then one covers the least area. Just your feet are touching the ground. When you are standing on your feet, straight, the least amount of gravity works on you -- and gravity is weight. Sitting in a Buddha posture, locked -- your legs are locked, your hands are locked -- also helps, because then your inner electricity becomes a circuit. Let your spine be straight and less and less area is covered, so gravity affects you less. With closed eyes, balance yourself completely, center yourself. Lean to the right and feel the gravity; lean to the left and feel the gravity; lean forward and feel the gravity; lean backward and feel the gravity. Then find the center where the least pull of gravity is felt, the least weight is felt, and remain there. Then forget the body and feel that you are not weight -- you are weightless. Then go on feeling this weightlessness. Suddenly you become weightless; suddenly you are not the body; suddenly you are in a different world of bodilessness. Weightlessness is bodilessness. Then you transcend mind also. Mind is also part of the body, part of matter. Matter has weight; you do not have any weight. This is the basis of this technique.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 00:42:25 +0000

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