Twelve people (plus killer Aaron Alexis) are dead and others - TopicsExpress


Twelve people (plus killer Aaron Alexis) are dead and others wounded from today’s shooting at the US Navy Yard in Washington, DC. Be interesting to see how the lib media handles this. The right-wing fanatic narrative didn’t work for them with Tucson, Aurora & Newtown. The situation is fluid but as of this writing this is what has been reported. Alexis is from Texas and had a concealed carry permit. Media likes. But Alexis is black and not white. Media doesn’t like. Alexis was not a Muslim. Media likes. But a friend says Alexis was a Buddhist and not Christian. Media doesn’t like. New calls for tighter gun control are now coming from Dems, lib bloggers and celebutards. Media likes. But DC has some of the nation’s strictest gun-control laws and the Navy Yard was a gun-free zone. Media doesn’t like. But whether dear media Aaron Alexis was a lily white supremacist or an al-Qaeda terrorist, today is to remember the victims and the families now scarred forever by this act of pure evil. May our prayers ascend and reach all of those so tragically affected.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 01:39:05 +0000

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