Twelve things. 1. I won the Southern California science fair in - TopicsExpress


Twelve things. 1. I won the Southern California science fair in 1957 and was a finalist to the nationals in Flint Michigan. My motivation was so that my biology teacher could go to her college reunion at Michigan State. 2. I won a four year scholarship to college for the All Catholic science fair that same year. When I left the convent in 1967 I forgot I had a full ride and didnt remember until last year. 3. I published and article on Nuclear war and Nursing Ethics What is the Nurses Responsibility and wrote the California Nurses Association resolution on the Nurses ethical responsible to educate communities on the non survivability of nuclear war. When I presented it to the ANA house of delegates the top ranked nurses in all for branches of the armed services were lined up to refute it. They were never allowed to speak, it passed. 4. My pals and i started smoking when we were 12 and smoked until I was 17 5. When I was 12 I fell off a garage roof and landed on a picket fence hanging upside down by my knees. Both legs landed between pickets. My guardian angel was very busy. 6. We rode our bikes from our house to The pony rides on La Cinega. I got caught because I dropped my wallet and a nice man brought it to my mom before I got home. Busted! 7. My aunt and I used to climb the fire escapes to the roof of LA High School. My dad had a fit. 8. Once while I was a nun I was flying down a hill and just missed landing on a rattle snake in Montecito Calif. 9. I had a really bad temper as a kid and used to tell my mother she couldnt tell me what to do because she wasnt my real mom. 10. I met the portress at a cloistered convent at Fatima Portugal when I was 16 we sat and stared into each others eyes for 3 days while she knitted. When we left I grieved. The trip to Europe was supposed to convince me not to enter the convent. It didnt work. 11. I was a passenger in a VW van that rolled down a hill in Northern Mexico. The driver was paralyzed; I was unharmed. Another act of my guardian angel. My friend called 39 pilots who flew search and rescue in Mexico before he found one who would fly down. The doctor carried a shot of morphine in his tie clasp. 12. I have a checkered past.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 19:36:29 +0000

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