Twelve years ago I was teaching. After a before school parent - TopicsExpress


Twelve years ago I was teaching. After a before school parent conference, a colleague told me a plane had hit the World Trade Center. As more teachers arrived for work, we got more details. I was working in the portable buildings and we had one of the few cable lines in the school. We set up a tv and began to watch the horror. Our directive was to continue the day as normal and not mention the outside world. To the kids, it was just another fun day at school. My heart worried about my sister who worked near the WTC. I called my retired husband and told him to turn on the tv and call my parents to let them know my sister was safe-I had confirmed that. We kept the tv on facing the wall with no volume in the next room and gave each other updates as the buildings fell. It was a day of worry and stress. Surprisingly, only one or two parents from my class pulled their children out of school that day. Where were you that day? I would love to hear your story. My prayers go to those lost, their families and their pets. I pray they are finding peace and rest in peace.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 10:17:09 +0000

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