Twenty times in the opening chapters of Exodus we are told of - TopicsExpress


Twenty times in the opening chapters of Exodus we are told of Pharaoh’s hardening heart. Ten times God hardens Pharaoh’s heart, ten times it is Pharaoh himself. The Hebrew word translated “harden” is kaved, “to make heavy,” and a heavy heart had a particular significance for ancient Egyptians. Among the tombs and temples in ancient Egypt it was common to find inscriptions depicting the final judgment of the dead as carried out by the weighing of a person’s heart on a scale. Each heart was weighed against a feather representing truth and justice. If someone’s heart was heavy, that person was condemned. In the Exodus narrative, Pharaoh’s heart is being weighed against the scales of truth and justice. Each time he refuses to follow God’s command and acts against God and justice, his heart becomes heavier. God is making Pharaoh’s heart heavy inasmuch as he gives a just command that Pharaoh refuses to follow. In the end, the heaviness of Pharaoh’s heart will condemn him—not because God forced him to harden his heart but because he was found wanting in his response to the demands of justice and truth. Walking with God: a journey through the Bible.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 23:31:56 +0000

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