Twenty years ago I never could have imagined my life as its - TopicsExpress


Twenty years ago I never could have imagined my life as its become. Honestly, I joined the Navy because Id lost all my scholarships to college and just needed some way out of Minnesota. I wasnt looking any further down the road than wherever the one-way ticket was taking me. This morning I find myself smiling at what a great adventure its been so far. Every time one of my shipmates or fellow service members posts something here on the ol Book of Faces, Im revisiting some memory I share with that person. I have met so many amazing people over the past 20 years, and this bond I share with you, these experiences weve had together (the good and the bad), no one else understands. Whether you did one enlistment or an entire career, you and I have a connection that no one who hasnt worn a uniform can relate to. We havent just worked together. We have served together. Two completely different words. Working together implies we go home at the end of our shift & go our separate ways, living our separate lives, until we return to our place of employment the following morning. This is so very different. Weve endured together, weve suffered together, weve raised families together, weve laughed from the deepest parts of our bellies together. Weve mourned, screamed, sweat, celebrated, explored, sobbed, grown - all side by side. You have not only been my shipmates, youve been my partner in crime, my confidant, my parent, my child, my brother and sister, my mentor, and sometimes even my biggest pain in the butt. But you are my family of choice, and I love you with all my heart and I wouldnt trade not one second of it. I dont particularly care for the phrase Happy Veterans Day! It makes me feel like I should be out shopping for a new mattress or something. But on this day, I am thankful in ways I cant even express to be able to share this holiday and all it represents with you, my fellow Veterans.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 13:54:40 +0000

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