Twenty years since the IRA cease fire and the execrable McGuinness - TopicsExpress


Twenty years since the IRA cease fire and the execrable McGuinness is seen on the television requiring the assistance of the Irish government and the US Administration to help him sort out the problems of his government? That would be the Irish government his party cant stop criticising and the US administration it constantly berates for interfering in foreign conflicts in say, Gaza? Northern Ireland is none of our business. It is none of the business of the United States. If these savages cant get their acts together after twenty years, why the hell should anyone help them? Also, can RTE please stop calling the administration of that poxed statelet a fledgling government? Its seven years old - at seven years old, the governments of places born in similar circumstances such as South Africa or the former Yugoslav states had managed to figure out enough about the business of governing to have long since left the headlines. McGuinness, his party and his partners in government are part of the problem, not of the solution. So long as they continue to pander to that increasingly small part of their population that could best be described as the squeaky wheel that gets all the grease, Northern Ireland will continue to be nothing more than six counties of wasted potential.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 18:35:40 +0000

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