Twin Flames and hurt feelings; As you enter the stage of Love, - TopicsExpress


Twin Flames and hurt feelings; As you enter the stage of Love, you frequently activate the re-play buttom, playing the old roles, singing the old songs, roles and songs stored in your memory bank, triggered unscioussly by the interaction on the scene; love unfolds itself, it always resonates with your inner truth of love and relationship; the remote control seems to be out of order as unpredicted emotions toss you around; it seems to play on automatic pilot, As you look through your emotions, there are several acts of denial in the play, you volunteered for; these acts will be reveiled as the play sets in motions, with one or many acts to perform in the play.. and with proper intermission, .. First act you are blinded with the falling in love manuscript, you put the other one on a piedestal, everything about her/him is absolutely marvellous, you cannot even begin to count your blessings, you won the lottery; at this stage others cannot understand your admiration, for they never see eye-to-eye with you, so you cannot discuss this awesome person with others; with some you can of course, for they just mime with you and you will prefer to seek those, who talks like you, as the language of truth is far away from your reality, ..Second act, the person, you love, falls down the piedestal, oh …what a mighty fall..sometimes even leaves the playlist, moves out of stage; you were given the gift of looking through your illusion, this person turns out to be human ….. ..Third act you project your hidden feelings towards the other one, and begin to see a lot of faults in the other one, begin to blame the other one, begin to scould the other one for being selfish, not attending your need, not paying attention to you, not taking care of you, not loving you anymore …. Here you may prefer an intermission, where you re-consider your projections; you may then choose to acknowledge your own part of your projection, or you may choose denial of your emotions, and keep pretending everything is still perfect as in the first act, ..Act four, here all of your projections toward your loved one, is mercilessly thrown back to you, for you to deal with it all, Now comes hurt feelings, you may cry a lot, be depressed, act in anger, dispair, there are many different ways of expressing hurt feelings, You need yet another intermission to deal with your hurt feelings, and you may now tell the other one, that you do no longer wish to be a part of hers/his play, you cancel the play, maybe denote the co-player to Authorities for false play, The intermission serves the purpose of acknowledgement of your own participation in the play, you are given the most amazing gift ever, the gift of freedom from your old, hurt feelings, but you may not always see things that way… You may then decide that you would rather enrol yourself for yet another play, hoping that this play turns out to be of a distinct better quality, than the last one ….and then you will replay, and replay, You may decide that you need a co-writer on the play to look with neutral eyes on the substance of the acts; if you decide this without consulting your co-actor, this can cause disruption, for no one likes to see the acts of their life played without consent, so your co-actor will either be angry, or be silenced; neither way will lift the play to be the success, you dream about, ..or you may decide that you need a time away from the limelight, a serene place, where you can look at every aspect of your play and find out, why this was yet another failure, for this is the word, you will use, failure… ”why can`t I make this work, what is wrong with me, what did I do wrong here”… Being out of the limelight for a while is your gift from Spirit to reconcile your past memories with your hurt feelings; in the silence of an ocean wave you may look into the sky and see everything written with letters, bent in neon; you find your aha-moment, being in oneness with the whisper of Spirit and you realize, that you never have to repeat this play of hurt feelings, for you now own your feelings yourself and can, all by yourself, do the funeral ceremony of the love acts of your life; such a sigh of relief, You may then ask yourself; ”why, this took you so long”, and know the answer is, that you had been searching so desperately to become a success on stage, that you did not allow for yourself to look for the obvious manuscript, the one written by your Spirit, your Gift of Birth, the stage is empty, the lights have gone out, there is no audience, no directors, no actors; still you walk hand in hand with the most beautiful Spirit ever imagined, yourself; knowing that it was all worth it, all the performances of lives, served you well, for you entered your real home and as daylight shines ever so brightly into your beautiful eyes, you see someone just like you, reaching out for you, smiling and waving to you; ”come let us dance now and be happy, for we both know the place to be, in the heart of each other”; Receive the Gift of God and smelt into Oneness with LOVE, pure LOVE
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 02:14:02 +0000

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