Twinkle’s Story: “When this beautiful Lilac Lynx Point - TopicsExpress


Twinkle’s Story: “When this beautiful Lilac Lynx Point Ragdoll had to be re-homed due to an unknown allergy I couldnt resist! I was on the wait list for two Ragdoll kittens and had met Twinkle on my visits to the breeder. At eight months old she had been extremely unwell and had numerous trips to the vet to find out what was wrong with her. In the end she was so unwell the vet opened up her tummy and found a badly inflamed bowel. She was put on a course of antibiotics and prednisone and given a diet of hypoallergenic biscuits. The breeder was finding it difficult to keep her separated from the other cats’ food and that was when I bought her home. According to the vet, Twinkle could quite happily spend the rest of her life on prednisone and hypoallergenic biscuits. Uh-no, that didnt go down well with me! I weaned her off the prednisone (she hated them!) and set about finding someone who could put Twinkle on a species-appropriate diet that would suit her. I did a lot of research online and read about the benefits of a raw food diet. If I did this I needed to do it right as the last thing I wanted was to make this beautiful girl sick again. I came across the Raw Essentials website and sent Lyn an email to see if she could help us. Lyns success rate with cats and dogs with the same condition boosted my confidence and I knew this was the right thing for Twinkle. We live in Russell and the next trip to Auckland included a visit to Raw Essentials to stock up on food to get us started. Lyn advised me to remove the biscuits, so I quite happily threw them in the bin! Twinkles first feed of rabbit was like kitty crack! I had to laugh as Lyn had said it may be a struggle initially to get her to eat it! Well, you could call her Twinkle Rabbit! We added in Dr Mercola probiotics to build up some good bacteria in her gut and also fish oil. The change in her has been dramatic. When she was on the biscuits she constantly needed water. I had bowls of water set out for her but she would also be up on the hand basin, the toilet if the lid was left up, she would drink out of my glass, anywhere there was water she needed it. With the Raw Essentials diet that has stopped her bad habits completely as the meat naturally contains water. She has finally gained weight, her coat is shiny & her eyes are a lot brighter. I have just got a kitten as well off the same breeder. I went with him to the vet to get his vaccination. The vet asked how Twinkle was doing and was horrified to hear she was on a raw food diet and proceeded to tell me cats only need 30% protein in their diet! I bit my tongue and smiled on the inside! After my kitten was vaccinated he plonked a bag of Royal Canin kitten biscuits on the counter and told me I needed them! Well, I wangled my way out of that one and Im pleased to say that both of my beautiful Ragdolls are thriving on a 100% raw food diet. Thank you Lyn and Laura, youre simply the best and I know youve added quality years to Twinkle’s life. Keep up the good work! Derrin”
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 20:50:24 +0000

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