Two Armed Rubbers Arrested By Police In Port Loko By Hassan - TopicsExpress


Two Armed Rubbers Arrested By Police In Port Loko By Hassan Bruz Northern Bureau Chief It now seems very much apparent that there is no hiding place for criminals in the North/ Western Region under the excruciating command of Assistant Inspector General of Police F U K Daboh who has vowed to ensure the prevalence of Law and Order in his area of responsibility. He is quoted to have often told his Personnel to do the best of what is required of them or simply quit the job altogether before he could enhance their dismissal. Perhaps this is the secret behind what appears to be the no nonsense mood of most of the Police Commanders in the Districts of Kambia and Port Loko which happens to be under his direct command. Arguably, sanity has been brought in most of the once troubled areas including Kaffu Bullom, Lokomasama, Marampa, Koya and Sanda Magbonlonton Chiefdoms. Apart from the classic performances of L U C Lunsar- Supt. Max Kanu popularly known as ECOMOG and L U C Supt. Gloria Macaulay of the Masiaka Police Station who seemed to have championed the fight against Criminality and all forms of Lawlessness, the most recent laudable achievement of AIG- F U K Daboh is the capture of some Armed Rubbers in the Maforki Chiefdom. One Abass Kamara of Kandeh Bali Street, Port Loko and Alex Conteh of Waterloo are now in the Police Net in connection with the rubbery of a TVS Star LX Motor bike with registration number AJA-450 which was caught in the hands of Abass Kamara. Detective Inspector Michael Jared Korppomeh Lagga is the newly transferred Crime Officer at the Port Loko Police Division where the matter is being investigated. He said it is the case of one commercial motor bike rider [Okada Rider] in the person of Mohamed Tarawallie of 74 Upper Falaba Road, Port Loko who was in a critical condition at the Government Hospital in Port Loko with stab wounds. The Crime Officer said the incident happened at about midday on Tuesday 11 th March, 2014 along the Gberay Junction/ Kambia Highway where a team of Armed Rubbers purportedly from Lungi, had laid in ambush. He said Abass Kamara later went to one of the Okada Packs in Port Loko in the pretext of coming to hire a motor bike. Abass came in contact with Mohamed Tarawallie – the actual Rider of the motor bike in question whom he persuaded to take him along. Sources say they rode towards the Nursery Area, where the rest of the team of Rubbers were awaiting. Upon reaching at the place where his colleagues were in readiness to snatch away any road worthy motor bike, Mohamed was braced from behind by Abass and was quickly joined by the others painted some ‘koto’ ointment on his eyes to unable him identify his attackers. He was eventually stabbed, overpowered and abandoned to his fate while the bike was carted away by Abass. Fortunately for him, his painful cries were over heard by a passerby who went to his aid. The man saw the Rubbers struggling with poor Mohamed but fled into the forest before he could reach them. As an active and concern citizen, the man boarded a taxi and chased Abass. He again returned to the forest where Mohamed was wailing in unbearable pains and rushed him to the Port Loko Police Station, from where he was again rushed to the Government Hospital. According to the Crime Officer, a combined team of Police Personnel was immediately mobilised to go in search, and has been able to track down Alex Conteh along the Gberay Junction Axis, barely four hours after the incident. Detective Inspector Lagga said in an interview with the Sierra Leone News Agency [SLENA] that his men are pursing one ‘Gbanta’ of Kondaytho Road, Port Loko and others. You can now have a look at the captured rubbers themselves, the Victim- Mohamed in hospital the Assistant Inspector General- F U K Daboh, and the Crime Officer- Detective Inspector Lagga as investigations goes to a top gear....
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 04:23:58 +0000

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