Two Faced People It seems to me that two faced people have been - TopicsExpress


Two Faced People It seems to me that two faced people have been surfacing around a lot lately. I do not get how people can be so great with you to your face and be nice and forthright, but behind your back, they say some of the most nastiest and terrible things about you and then you find out about it later. It is not a pleasant thing to hear. You how they say, what goes around comes around. It is definitely true. These days finding nice, kind and a straight shooter is hard to find. You just have to be lucky to encounter that special individual who promises to be honest and real with you. This goes hand in hand with a previous blog I wrote about Fake VS. Real. It is not fair to the person who has put his/her trust into someone and who has expressed, given all the feelings to that person about a serious situation or crisis a friend is going through whether its for a relationship, family issues, friend issues, work issues, and very personal things that person has talked about and some people who are two face spread it and behind your back, they do not even care about you. Backstabbing someone is not a good trait to develop. It leads to lifelong struggles and it leads to a person not to trust anyone anymore about problems. I do not understand why people do these things to others, why two faced people always seem to concur, and people are with them, more than the person who has become victimized due to that fact. My advice to you readers out there is to stand tall and firm and do not take any of this anguish people have caused you and do not let these things hover you. I cannot stress how important it is to be yourself and to re-evaluate all the people in your life and stick with the ones whom always have your back in situations like this. Be who you are. There are people out there who appreciate you and they will not backstab you and be two faced with other people. These certain issues of the world can cause tension and stress, but do not let is stress you out. One day someone will teach two faced people a lesson, but of course not with violence and threats, but a civilized conversation with that person to tell them, that what they are doing is wrong and if the scenario and roles were reversed and if the two faced person was the person who is expressing themselves and sharing personal and sensitive information, then I am sure they would stop it. Always play reverse psychology. See where you end up, but I am almost certain that those words will change that persons attitude and the way to live honestly and real. Try it out for yourself.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 09:33:38 +0000

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