Two Fox journalists were recently fired for exposing milk that is - TopicsExpress


Two Fox journalists were recently fired for exposing milk that is unfit for human consumption’ due to Monsanto GMO meddling. Reporters Steve Wilson and Jane Akre revealed the shocking truth that natural foodists have suspected for quite some time – that almost all of the milk sold in the United States is a cancer-causing concoction full of a growth hormone manufactured by Monsanto called ‘Posilac,’ or ‘BGH,’ otherwise known as ‘rBGH’ or bovine growth hormone. Both reporters were hired by FOX News as investigative journalists to ask tough questions, and to get to the ‘truth’ of the matter. As soon as they covered this story; however, both reporters were fired. Akre states, “With Monsanto, I didn’t realize how effectively a corporation could work to get something to the market place – the levels of coordination they had to have – they had to get University professors into the fold, they had to get experts into the fold, they had to get reporters into the fold. . .they had to get the public into the fold, and of course let’s not forget the FDA, and leave them out. They had to get the federal regulators into the fold to agree this was a ‘find and safe product.’” Help us speak truth to power. Donate what you can afford to support NationofChange. Before Posilac was given a rubber stamp by our government, it was tested for 90 days on rats, yet Monsanto created commercials to promote the product saying “Prosilac is the single most tested product in history.” They say nothing of the possibility to cause toxicity in human subjects, not of their testing to prove that bovine growth hormones were safe. When Health Canada looked at Posilac, they came up with very different results than the FDA did. In the UK, it was reported that Posilac could be absorbed by the human body and could cause serious health concerns. The GMO hormone to cause cows to produce more milk was, in fact, possibly toxic. Monsanto new the possibly lethal outcome of using rGBH, and deleted it from the final report submitted to the FDA. The Canadian regulatory bodies saw the potential for a serious human health hazard, and said, ‘no,’ while the FDA favored Monsanto’s non-factual 90-day study, and gave it their rubber stamp. There are now numerous scientific studies which prove that Posilac, another warped Monsanto brain-child, causes multiple types of cancer, from breast cancer to prostate cancer, and more. The widespread consumption of BST [rBGH] supplemented milk is therefore an experiment on an unsuspecting population that could have horrendous consequences and overwhelm the health care system. The experiment would take one to three decades when it would be difficult to dismantle a well-entrenched BST [rBGH] industry, and still have one to three decades worth of individuals in the pipeline. I can conceive of no animal experiments to test this and to provide hard data to predict the magnitude and time frame for this effect. The risk to benefit ratio of this experiment is clearly not in favor of the consumer. [George L. Tritsch, Cancer Research Scientist (Retired),August 7, 1995] With overwhelming research like this now available for public perusal,the FDA warns that raw, untreated milk is ‘dangerous’ to our health. More likely, raw milk, devoid of genetically modified ingredients (Posilac), is dangerous to Monsanto’s poison-making kingdom.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 20:49:52 +0000

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