Two Loves Why is a strong connection to a spiritual oneness of - TopicsExpress


Two Loves Why is a strong connection to a spiritual oneness of love ...even if it is all in my mind... so mind boggling disorienting but, most notably, so blissful and intense? Ill tell you why.... Its because human romantic love is wonderful, but flawed. And spiritual romantic love is wonderful and not flawed. Here is the reality of human romantic love: It always fades because two egos are involved. And these two egos are strongly vested in the idea, and the ultimate reality and truth of what is told to them by the bodys five senses, which is primarily this: They tell us we are in bodies that are sure to die, and which; therefor, cannot be trusted. And so we must trust the smart ego, because it has things figured out for us. And so, like trusting children, we let this stranger into our home and he settles in and, almost immediately, takes over completely. It seems the ego keeps us safe and warm, and helps us defend against all the bad things out in the cold, cruel world. But what is more cold and cruel than a dictator taking over your world? And if it could be trusted, it might not be so bad, but the ego is making good decisions for you based on bad information. Very, very much like having a charismatic Hitler telling you to do only what he says and you will be safe. Get the picture? That is exactly how and who and where and why the ego works. It thinks it knows what is best for you, but down deep inside, it is an insecure, unaware bully, who is only happy when it is getting you to go along with its plan of action. And you form an alliance with your ego for what you think is your best bet at safety. And you know it is not your ultimate safety, because all the data you receive from your ego, and everywhere else, tells you there is no guarantee of ultimate safety, so you have to go with the next best thing, relative safety. So with this lovely base to work from, a hypnotized confinement by an ignorant and lying master, our egos, we allow ourself to be guided out into the world to find our true love. It tells us accurate selection is the key. Some are better than others, so we must use things like a scale from one to ten. We can use questionnaires and computers. And it is perfectly acceptable to join with many to see if enough whistles and bells go off when we are together, and if there is a fading of romantic passion too quickly or not. And so, after a careful process of elimination, we make our selection. Over the years, as the passion fades, which it surely will do, mainly because of the foundation on which it was built is so flawed, we use little tricks to keep the flames of passion burning. Special events, clothes, food, places or things ... are all used to get back the passion that was so strong at the beginning. The little tricks work, to a degree, and we rationalize it and learn to accept it as just the way it is. And we get old. And we die. That is the joyful description of the passion of romantic human love! Now lets describe a oneness experience or lets simply call it spiritual romantic love: The force of love becomes a tangible force that you can almost see and taste. Early on, your connection to it is a connection to the actual, real, attracting forces of Nature which hold planets in orbit and keep atoms from flying apart. You intuitively know you are one with all of that which literally holds all of our separate parts together in strange and mysterious ways that even brilliant scientists of our modern day cannot figure out and control. To them, and to us, we are living within the laws of nature that we seek to impose our will on. And unruly Mother Nature, and all those attracting forces of Nature, simply refuses to do what we say! Trusting a conscious and aware, known oneness with that force seems like a recipe for disaster to any smart scientist, and well ... to most anybody! Enter transcendence of the ego and physical sensory input, and the relinquishment of trust of the information gained from sensory input from the five senses of the human body. Again, an obvious recipe for disaster that most people think they will never want to do. But, back to my description of the ego and what it does.... Egos control the beings they inhabit (namely us, me and you!) we feel we have no choice but to agree with our ego, and think we are 100% contained in our bodies, sure to die eventually, and only able to get tiny, short flashes of blissful, known oneness with anybody or anything but, we can have a continuos joining with it, the ego. (And it is an it!) I contend that when you compare spiritual romantic love to that ... Its not such a tough decision to give a try to something that may just work vs. something that always fades away, and is based on false sensory input and a charismatic little dictator at the center, running the show, controlling me, vs me controlling it! Perhaps a merging with, on a conscious level, the forces of Nature that seem to be working fine as far as holding all our parts together, is not such a bad idea. Now enter spiritual masters, or guides, or simply friends who have been there, done that, bought the tee shirt regarding spiritual romance. And you can literally take your pick. Their names are legend. Me, myself, I am a Christian, so I personally trust Jesus with the destiny of my soul, and also as my guide in the new and confusing world of spiritual romance. I follow his teachings on faith. I get baptized with water and he tells me to get ready for baptism by the Holy Spirit, I have no clue what that means so I get ready for something. But, after a love affair with the forces of Love, as if they were some beautiful, separate, other enticing, alluring female, with all of her attracting forces, I am overwhelmed by that something that Jesus warned me about, and I go, Wow! And much like you dont feel like sharing with the world your most intimate, passionate nighttime escapades that you have with your human romantic lover (unless you are a romantic novelist!), I do not feel like sharing my most intimate, passionate experiences of known oneness in a world beyond here and beyond description with the world either! I have tried and I always come off much like The Emperors New Clothes story, where he thinks he knows he has a new set of invisible clothes on, and.....well, you all know the rest of that story. And thats how I always come across when I describe any of the inner beauty, bliss ... or any part of the passionate, spiritual romance that I experience in my love affair with the forces of nature; along with heaping, helping assistance from my new best friend, Jesus, giving me real help and support along the way, that we, as regular, faithful, Christians hope and pray He will do. Hes just a dreamer. Its not real. He cant prove it ... And my most favorite of all... Hes crazy! All are said or thought about me when I get on a roll and try to describe that, which by definition, is beyond any and all words, and any and all regular forms of communication. Lets put it this way....can you, by simply reading words describing an intense human romantic relationship, experience the full intensity of sensory input and knowledge shared between two lovers engaged in the natural acts that they share at the height of their romantic love? In your imagination, by reading about it, you can come close. But is it the same as what they are doing to and with each other! Of course, reading a book is not the same as doing it! Well, the same is true of spiritual romantic love. You will never get it from reading books about it. You get it by doing it. And since it is an inner journey you take, there are no babies to prove this love real. Some get miraculous powers, like Jesus powers, to prove something is going on that is beyond control and description by mere mortals. In A Course in Miracles, Jesus said the main miracle occurs when all of your fear is turned into love and inner peace and happiness. Of course you cant prove that, except indirectly. All of this was written not so much for anyone to read, as for me to answer the question I posed to myself, which is, Why am I like a love sick puppy when it comes to what I have coined as spiritual romantic love? I think I answered it. It makes perfect sense to me now. And to my wife and son, and all those who may still feel I have lost it, well maybe you are right! I hope I have lost the little Hitler ego that was telling me what to do! And if I have not convinced you to maybe look inward at your little charismatic, yet I am sure, very cute and trusting and adorable ego, then I might be in trouble. Because I have not been changed by my experience. I have been set free by it. And happy people, living in worlds they agree to let egos control, may fight to keep what they think they know is real. And I sure as hell dont want to fight with anybody. My spiritual freedom may seem like letting some other dictator take over, and your ego might not be perfect, but who or what is,... right? So when you see me, you dont have to be in love with what I am I love with. Spiritual romantic love is very exciting and blissful and very private, just like human romantic love. Two people in love are happy beyond all logic, and feel no need to make anybody else like they are. With spiritual romantic love, its a little bit different because, after it happens to you, you want all your friends and loved ones to be as happy and safe and secure, and overpoweringly loved, as much as you are. In human romantic love, babies prove there is something mystical, miraculous, and touchable going on. In spiritual romantic love, you dont get babies, but you get something else. In spiritual romantic love, there is nothing to touch ... except ... all creation, all space/time. All things matter, because the matter they are made of ... is the love you are One with. To my wife and son and all my loved ones, please know you are the embodiments of Gods love ... in the mind of God and Jesus and me, of course. And as I change from trusting a sneaky dictator ego, to trusting a truly trustworthy and loving force of love and inner guide and Friend, it becomes easier ... and makes more sense ... to love everything that matters, and you guessed it ... everything matters! And for some reason that I am still not sure of ... I think its mainly the desire to give ultimate safety to my loved ones ... I will continue to write down ... words ... that attempt to make sense out of a very confusing, disorienting, powerful love affair type feeling that is about as strong and as overpowering as the feelings found in human romantic love. There. Enough blah, blah, blah.... I do know that talking about doing it is like taking a shower with your clothes on! So I will stop doing that for awhile .... or at least until,I ask myself another similar question like I did at the beginning of this ... book! Why is a strong connection to a spiritual oneness of love ...even if it is all in my mind... so mind boggling disorienting but, most notably, so blissful and intense? Ill tell you why.... Its because human romantic love is wonderful, but flawed. And spiritual love is wonderful and not flawed. See, I said it all in two paragraphs at the very beginning. What was I thinking? I am sure Jesus and God dont need my help. But I still need theirs! And I need yours. Because if I cant get this to make sense to at least one other person before I die, I will just give up! Not really. I just said that. I think it was a little remnant of my cute little adorable Hitler ego bubbling up from the past. Truth is, I am in love with love. And I am okay with that. I hope you are too. And mainly, I hope you fall in love with somebody or something somewhere. But dont trust them, or your ego, when you do. Trust the love and your inner spiritual guide. I like Jesus. Jesus is just alright with me....I think the Dooby Brothers said that ...and I think they were right!... Amen brother. Peace out ... Lee McEachern 12/8/13
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 00:22:39 +0000

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