Two More Years of What? - Soapbox 10/31/14 The only way to - TopicsExpress


Two More Years of What? - Soapbox 10/31/14 The only way to describe the last few years of the Obama Administration is a mess. Its been scandal after scandal, deception after deception, and now crisis after crisis and President Obama and his gaggle of amateurs stumble from failure to failure, seemingly never learning anything from the preceding screw ups, blaming everything on some other political party or group of circumstances, and most disturbing of all, claiming to have no prior knowledge of potentially important issues, before learning about them in the media along with the rest of America. It seems to me that the Obama team gets an “A” for procrastination and a “D” for action. A drunk hermit would have known - or at least have a good notion - that pulling all our troops out of Iraq at the same time would open the door to whatever group could gather the most fanatics and procure the most guns. And even then at first incursion ISIS arrogantly drove caravan style through open desert where they could have been easily destroyed but Obama wouldnt bomb until they had disbursed among the population. Every military expert not under the thumb of the administration, and some who are, stoutly proclaim that ISIS cannot be defeated without ground troops. And while Obama touts the multinational coalition he has put together, not one will commit troops. Obama drew a line in Syria and told al-Assad if he crossed it there would be dire consequences. The line was crossed and nothing happened. Even after Eric Holder being held in contempt of Congress, Lois Lerner taking the fifth, Susan Rice’s downright lie about what caused the massacre in Benghazi and a myriad of other cases where the rank indifference, incompetence and arrogance of the administration shows glaringly through Obamas intransigence and downright petulance, constantly refusing to close the barn door until the cow is long gone, continues to be the way of doing business at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Our economy hangs by a thread and our national debt grows exponentially every hour, while the Fed’s quantitative easing makes the U.S. dollar worth less and less every month while it tries to artificially keep a fragile economy from completely collapsing without forcing it to reign in its reckless spending. Our relations with Israel have never been worse, there is no trust or respect for Obama or John Kerry, who keep trying to force unrealistic peace solutions on them and then one of the White House staffers calls Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu outhouse names and criticize a situation they know as much about as a fish knows about trigonometry. And now Ebola, which Obama seems to be approaching with the same lackadaisical attitude that has become his trademark. He refuses to shut down the flights where the epidemic is raging and has instituted another of his symbolic measures, leaving the people of America susceptible to just one person slipping through the porous safety net. The Obamacare chickens are starting to come home to roost, although the president, without the benefit of Constitution nor congress, has postponed most of the pain until after the elections, people are finding out the truth about his monolithic, socialist game breaker, with much more to come. Im wondering just how much Americas disenchantment with Obama will reflect in the upcoming congressional elections, which at best, will only be a counter balance to Obamas obsession to becoming Americas first king, who is only one Supreme Court appointment away from having his way almost completely. Be that as it may, America has two more years of Obama. I hope and pray we can get through it in one piece. What do you think? Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem God Bless America Charlie Daniels
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 21:00:00 +0000

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