Two Year Anniversary July 16th, 2014 Dear Friends and Family, - TopicsExpress


Two Year Anniversary July 16th, 2014 Dear Friends and Family, As you all know by now, during the summer of 2012, Mathias was feeling some pain and discomfort in his leg. The pain got worse and it would keep us up at night. We would ice it or apply heat on it. Desperately trying to take the pain away. Of course as a parent we hate to see our kids suffer, we will do anything to keep them comfortable and pain free. So every night we would snuggle with Mathias in bed, talk, play games or watch tv until the sun would come up or he would fall asleep. Finally on July 16th 2012, two years ago today, I called the pediatricians office and asked for a same-day-sick-visit. I explained our newly adopted nightly rituals to the Dr. and also mentioned that Mathias hardly ever complains about anything, so something must be seriously wrong .... Despite my desperate efforts to emphasize the issue, after the check-up and the examination, the Dr. suggested that we follow up with a local sports orthopedic doctor in Leesburg. I simply didnt like that idea! I said we are all losing sleep over this pain every night and we cant function without knowing what is causing the pain, lets just do an X-ray. It took a few minutes before she agreed to write up the order, but she DID it. That X-ray was the beginning of Mathias journey & his fight against osteosarcoma. So much has happened in the past two years. Mathias has truly been amazingly strong and endured more than most people will in their life time. Today I asked him how he feels about all the ups and downs that he has gone through in the past two years? His response was simple! He said: Well, it has been interesting. Only Mathias would be brave enough to use the word interesting to describe the past two years. I am truly honored to be his mother and am so proud of him for his level of maturity and his ability to live life to the fullest despite everything. He then asked me about how I see & feel about the past two years? I had no choice but to answer his question... After all, I was the one who started this conversation! I tried to come up with an answer that would be appropriate for a 13 year old boy to hear. I didnt use any of my usual colorful language that I like to use when I describe my feelings about childhood cancer and how it has changed our lives. I explained to him how cancer has opened my eyes, it has changed my perspective & my priorities in every aspect of my life. The best way to describe it, is that sometimes it just feels like a movie, you are the hero or main character fighting cancer & everyone else who has chosen to be in this movie is taking part in it and making a difference in our lives day after day. They all work together and work so hard to make a change! There are also tons of people behind the scenes, they help us daily without ever getting any sort of recognition. Mathias & I quickly agreed that we are super lucky to have so many great characters in our movie, that are working so hard everyday to make a difference in our lives and get us through this nightmare. We simply couldnt do it without the continous love and support from friends, family and even strangers. Thank you for standing up to cancer & being by our side in the past two years! Love, Roya, Chris, Troy & Mathias #teammathias12 #childhoodcancer #osteosarcoma #amputation #amputee #brave #surgery #lung #radiation #chemo #cancer #anniversary #Movie #characters #supporting #helping #family #friends #strangers #love #prayers #appreciation #thankful #interesting #nightmare #recognition #tumor #life #SU2C #blessings
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 04:49:35 +0000

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