Two and a half years ago I was trying really hard to stay in shape - TopicsExpress


Two and a half years ago I was trying really hard to stay in shape by going to the gym. I was taking 2 classes and sometimes staying to swim after class. All of that and I still felt tired and frumpy. Jeff and I were getting ready to go on a trip to Hawaii and I wanted to feel great so I joined an Insanity challenge. Little did I know that the transformation that took place would be more than just losing a few pounds. This program helped me get my confidence back, make awesome new friends and ultimately let me to becoming a fitness professional. As I look back, I cant believe how far I have come. Many of you may not be able to see it because I was always good at faking it and making people think that I had it all together. Through many things God has shown me that its okay to have struggles and that we can help others when we are vulnerable. Insanity was the amazing program that helped me make this transformation. I am excited to let you know that with Insanity Max 30 which launches today, you can get amazing results in just 30 minutes a day. I know we are all busy but everyone has 30 minutes to do something really great for themselves. I wanted to share the results of my Insanity group. This amazing group of women accomplished great things in just 60 days. We supported and encouraged one another along the way. Have you ever looked at before and after photos and figured there was no way they were real? I can tell you that I walked this journey with these ladies and the results are 100% real and are the result of focus on exercise and nutrition. You can do it too. Are you tired, feeling blah and just need a change? I would love to help you and I am ready to start now. No need to wait for the new year. Comment below if you are ready to transform your health and for some rockin results. Much love to my original Insanity peeps. Thanks for your support and encouragement along my journey. You ladies truly inspire me every day. https://youtube/watch?v=gTess3Pe9yg
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 14:01:05 +0000

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