Two days ago I was stalked and attacked by a scorpion. In my - TopicsExpress


Two days ago I was stalked and attacked by a scorpion. In my sleep. It has taken 2 days to recover from this horror. It is what we in the military call a Whiskey Tango Foxtrot moment. It happened at 3 in the morning when the assault occurred on my position. I was sound asleep dreaming of my wife. Or sister in law.... I forget. When I felt this tickle sensation on my left side. I of course thought it was a mosquito so I swatted it. GAME OVER. What felt like a 16 inch needle pierced my side, I immediately sat up and took off both fleece and tee shirt and tossed on the floor... only to see the little sucker trying to creep away. I screamed like a little boy.... might have to change the whole Simba Six thing. But I rapped it with my boot... placed it in a baggie and ran to Docs hooch. Bad move... I should have remained calm and moved a little by the time I got to his hooch my speech was slurring and my left side was numb and my vision was blurry. Doc finally got up after rapping on his door for 10 minutes. Get this.... he grabs the bag and says...Take two aspirin... see you in the morning. Then closes the door. At this moment I am starting to loose all feeling in my lower extremities and barely make it back to my hooch where I Google... Death by Scorpions. I send an emergency text to my wife and she sends me back a laughing chipmunk. She just downloaded a new app and thought my story was a real hoot. The things I endure for our nation.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 15:41:40 +0000

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