Two former Special Forces operators who were responsible for the - TopicsExpress


Two former Special Forces operators who were responsible for the security at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi during the attacks have issued a major challenge to liberals in the government who are sticking to their more than likely fabricated story about no “stand down” order given. Mark Geist and Kris Paronto have been battling against that claim, going on Sean Hannity’s news program telling Democrats who say they are lying to “say it to my face.” The pair of Special Forces warriors recently participated in a Fox News special called “13 Hours in Benghazi,” where they both agreed that had the stand down order not been given and their deployment delayed they would’ve been able to rescue the Americans who died that night. According to Mad World News, Paronto told Hannity, “The words stand down were given.” Hannity later said that Democrats in Congress were calling the pair liars, an accusation the two Special Forces operators didn’t take too kindly to, with Geist challenging them to a debate. “I’d like to invite Mr. Schiff to a debate,” said Geist. “We can talk about it,” Paronto chimed in. “He wants to see, and say that to my face. We can talk about it, and we can talk about everything,” added Geist. Wow. There’s little chance liberal Democrats would have the spine to take on these two brave Special Forces operators, both who eventually disobeyed orders in an attempt to save lives the night of the Benghazi attacks. Liberals in the government are obviously terrified about the implications of what these guys are saying, because if the stand down order was given, we could see the complete implosion of Obama’s presidency right before our eyes. Click here to see the awesome statement Trey Gowdy made to kick off Benghazi hearing. President Obama and his cronies obviously allowed these individuals to die in order to help him get reelected and save face politically. Now that these men are speaking out and Trey Gowdy’s investigation is well under way, it’s only a matter of time before the truth comes out. Hopefully that means impeachment for Obama and justice for the family who lost loved ones in Benghazi.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 00:17:42 +0000

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