Two hundred thirty seven years ago our Founding Fathers declared - TopicsExpress


Two hundred thirty seven years ago our Founding Fathers declared the United States of America to be an independent and free nation. These brave men took this liberal and unique idea to form a new government, against all odds, knowing they would have to fight to earn the reality of a more perfect Union where all of its people could thrive and prosper. They clearly and resolutely pledged their lives and their fortunes to the belief that the people of this new nation were granted rights regardless of class, religion or race and by the grace of a loving God the experiment of a free and united people could change the world. We are the benefactors of this vision and celebrate the Declaration that gave us our freedom on this day, The Fourth of July. There are some who will say we have lost our way, I suggest they look at our history and celebrate our growth of mind and spirit. There are some that would say our best days are behind us, I suggest they look at those who serve in our military and sacrifice for our country and I will tell them our best days lie ahead. There are many who feel we will never be the nation our founders thought we could be because of the differences that divide us; I suggest they remember the words of Benjamin Franklin who said a representative republic, such as these United States, “must be loud”. He knew that our new nation represented all the people and to reach a consensus we must debate, we must argue, good people of good intention should argue their point of view with passion and vigor, then for the good of a people united compromise moving forward as one nation. Therefore, look at the United States of 2013 with the same promise our forefathers looked at her in 1776. Revel in our differences, love the freedom and liberty we celebrate, embrace our diversity and let your voice be heard. Because, this nation is blessed not only with unalienable rights, endowed upon us by a loving God, this nation is blessed with the spirit of revolution that lives with every person who yearns for fairness and freedom. We, We the People, have changed the world and will continue to do so as long is there remains a breath in our collective bodies. Celebrate not only what was given to us, but what we can give to those who will follow. God Bless America!
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 10:22:04 +0000

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