Two killed in gunmen attack on anti-Maidan activists in Kharkov - - TopicsExpress


Two killed in gunmen attack on anti-Maidan activists in Kharkov - Russian TV from Moscow, March 14, 2014 21:27 Two people have reportedly been killed after armed men from the radical Right Sector movement attacked local self-defence activists in the eastern city of Kharkov. Another two people have been wounded by gunfire. The armed group that reportedly barricaded itself inside the local headquarters of Right Sector was shooting and throwing flash grenades and Molotov cocktails at Kharkov anti-Maidan activists who gathered outside. Two people have been killed in the shooting, the city’s mayor said, while authorities reported at least two more people were wounded. Police deployed at the scene has cordoned off the area and were preparing to storm the building, where some 40 people are believed to be hiding, Itar-Tass reports. The incident reportedly began after a Kharkov self-defense group patrolling the city square noticed a suspicious Volkswagen van and tried to stop it. It was the same van involved in a shooting back on March 8, when one of the anti-Maidan activists was wounded.When the driver refused to stop,activists chased the van to the building on Rymarska Street, where the office of Right Sector is located. The shooting started after the activists tried to enter the building. Gunmen were also throwing flash grenades and Molotov cocktails from the second floor of the building. Activists had to retreat waiting for police and ambulances to arrive. Meanwhile numerous videos of the incident captured by the activists and have been uploaded on YouTube.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 01:38:38 +0000

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