Two major events doomed the peoples of the world to a world of - TopicsExpress


Two major events doomed the peoples of the world to a world of major economic imbalance and never ending conflicts . First was the setting up of the Federal Reserve System, a system whereby a group of Private Bankers issue money to the US govt which the US govt then pays back with interest . Simple logic tells us that as because as soon as the money is issued , interests is incurred , there will never be enough money to pay of the debt . The nations debt will only keep on rising as money to pay off the debt will incur even more interests . When the US trades with other countries , the debt is then transferred to others . The only winners here will be the people who run the federal reserve bank. If the govt wants to buy more things , they just ask the federal reserve to print more money , saddling the people with more debt and causing inflation among the common man as by the time the money reaches him, the value would have dropped due to the increase in money supply . The second major setback to the peoples of the world was the Bretton Woods agreement that made the US dollar as world reserve currency , thereby saddling the rest of the world with all the effects of the up and downs of the us economy . As the US dollar was being used for trade , all the USA had to do was print more money . This allowed the USA to become the power it is today . No other country could amass such a powerful military without sacrificing on social programmes except the USA . And the effect of the USA printing money is , the USA ends up with the goods while the seller ends with the usd which will only lose its value over time. The effect of this system is the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few while the rest of the world has to get poorer and poorer . It is like a vacuum cleaner sucking wealth from the rest of us . So important is the status of the US dollar to the ametican govt, that almost every single leader of a foreign country who proposed trade , esp petrodollars , in anything but the USD has had to step down , demonized or even killed . Mahathir stepped down soon after proposing the use of the dinar for oil while both saddam and gaddafi had to pay for this insolence with their lives. Iran and Venezuelan leaders are demonized with Iran becoming increasingly a target for war . As the USA dollar loses its value due to the federal reserve system , it will continue losing its value to everyone except its issuers. The USA dollar has to collapse and that is going to give rise to major worldwide chaos and misery because of our dependence on it. That includes the people of the US itself and so far nothing is being done except waging wars against countries that try to move away from it. To make things worse , these systems are controlled by wicked , evil and greedy people who are naturally attracted to control money and other people . Govts that are supposed to be having oversight have long been bought over and indeed has no oversight on the federal reserve system which is free to do whatever it lines without having to answer to Congress. Russia and China will increasingly be demonized as they have realized the danger of relying in the USD and have signed mutual currency swap agreements , without using the usd . Iran has signed a similar agreement too. With emergence of the BRICS countries with 40% if the worlds population and 20% of the GDP , it is hopeful that an alternative system if finance can be achieved . It will not be easy and take time to wean off the world from reliance in the usd but the world is sick because we have a sick world financial system with a sick currency . Already the sick system has reduced this once great nation , the beacon of democracy and freedom when I was a schoolboy, into a warmongering bully while at the same time converting its own society into an increasingly police state. A cure from this diseased system is needed not just to save the USA but the rest if the world .
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 00:25:00 +0000

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