Two major events in our recent history were milestones for the - TopicsExpress


Two major events in our recent history were milestones for the demise of the American experiment: the Union victory in the war between the states and the passing of the 19th amendment to the Constitution of the United States. The war was the end of strong states rights and individual liberty with a major advance for corporate moguls to increase their rule. The 19th amendment was the granting of the vote to women. This is not a reflection on the intelligence of women, but rather an observation about the major advancement to undermine the integrity of the family unit. God designed the family with structure, with the husband as the head, the leader and the wife as his helper and support structure. In the next election, wives and women or any social connection were able to exercise the ballot to express their view or desire in regard to a candidate or issue. This is well and good, IF they sought the opinion and will of their husband or father. If they voted in opposition to the man in their life, they negated his vote, a direct cancellation of the designated leader. The ballot, then as now is secret and the husband is no longer the leader of his family, now that she may affect local, state and national policy independent of her husband. Every liberal politician that has won an election since 1920 has done so by appealing to the emotional sensibilities of women. Whereby most men react to issues and candidates based upon the integrity of the man or matter at hand, women are more easily affected by how they feel about the matter. I would not change this about women, it is a part of their make up and of the essence of what we love about them. I would, however, have them aware of the difference in responses and seek the leadership of their husband or father and follow his lead. I assure you, Bill Clinton and Barak Obama would never have been elected without the emotional appeal to the massive block of female voters. Hate mail may be dealt with here. :-D Also the Hate male can be dealt with here. :-D
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 00:06:17 +0000

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