Two months ago today I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It still - TopicsExpress


Two months ago today I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It still seems surreal to see those words in writing. I chose to deal with this by focusing on facts and not getting too wrapped up in the emotional aspect of what if this, what if that. That’s not to say that there werent emotional moments. I was blessed with emotional support right from day 1 and throughout that has allowed me to focus on facts. In particular, Ralph has been my rock through all of this with his unwavering love. I know it’s been as hard on him as it has been on me. To our family, friends and political colleagues, thank you for your acts of kindness and words of encouragement. I remember and cherish them all. Sir Isaac Newton said if I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. My “giants” have been the dozens of women who have reached out to me about their experiences – survivors all of them. In particular, I want to mention Irene Stayshyn, Barbara Ridley, Councillor Brenda Johnson, Sandy Leyland, Jan Park Dorsey and two of our federal MPs, Yvonne Jones and Judy Foote. Their resolve to beat this disease and willingness to share and talk about their experiences in a practical way is inspirational and so helpful. The physical part of my treatment started on Friday with surgery to remove the tumour. By all accounts, the surgery went well, and I feel amazingly good. So, part 1 of the treatment is essentially done – a little more recovery and I will be back at it this week. Part 2, some 3-5 weeks of daily radiation treatments, will begin in about a month after a follow up with my surgeon in about 3 weeks. So, it looks like treatment will continue into November, but in the scheme of things, what’s another month. So, after all this serious stuff, I have a light moment to share. As anyone who’s had general anaesthesia knows, sometimes we “say things” as we’re re-gaining consciousness. Well, it seems that as I was “coming to” on Friday afternoon, I told the recovery room team when they called my name to see if I was awake that I was their Liberal candidate and to make sure they vote Liberal!!!! True story… Thanks for your ongoing support. Anne
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 18:34:38 +0000

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