Two news facts caught my eye this past month. The first was about - TopicsExpress


Two news facts caught my eye this past month. The first was about a month ago. Scientists were being honest about the potential damage a 9.0 inevitable earthquake and what that would do, plus the likelihood of it happening. They mentioned that over 300 years ago a big one happened which changed the face of the world as we know it. Talked about a definite tsunami happening in the next 100 years that could be as soon as tomorrow and to make sure you get 100ft above the ground! Say what?! Maybe this is the reason I have visions of me running up the canyon with me son?! Crazy as it sounds I wasnt completely off. Then two quakes happened. First. 4.3 then a week half later a 5.4. Coincidence I think not. The second piece of news that caught my attention was yesterday before the quake. I hear on the local news which I only watched because I was waiting to do my taxes, was that Los Angeles county is officially the most populated county in the nation! This doesnt come to a me as a surprise. I sit in a lot of traffic. My advice to myself and anyone caring to read the longest rant Ive made on FB. Prepare a kit. Im not leaving and it will have to shake me off to do so.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 15:16:59 +0000

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