Two nights and five days had passed since she left home to work in - TopicsExpress


Two nights and five days had passed since she left home to work in the big city. How that made sense you ask? She had lost count of the days that went by. Sleep was difficult and scarce to come across and so was joy. The life here was all hustle, bustle. Mess and stress. Everyone here minded their own businesses and quite frankly, that wasnt the life she was used to. Dawn grew nearer and her blazer slung so awkwardly over her shoulder. The weather seemed nice. The Multi-coloured sky pushing its rays towards the water that illuminated with the same mystery and beauty. Currently, it was a Friday. The day that would open up her three-day relaxation. The beach wasnt so busy due to the fact that everyone was at the other beach, because there was a party. Summer party. She grunted slightly as her hand felt the smooth pebbles that lay beneath her. Getting lost in thought was many of her best attributes. They darted back to her Uncle and Grandmother then reeled again into an abyss of sorrow and pain. Stay strong, prove the misery wrong. Words of wisdom could never escape her mind. Unaware, she grasped a handful of mini stones and let their cool touch embrace her palm. Relaxing. She liked the way they felt, so smooth yet so cold. So small yet powerful. Glancing at the first one, she held it carefully like an egg before throwing it out into the sea, listening to the pic Plop sound that whispered. She threw another one only to hear the same thing. By the sixth stone, her brain had taught her body to reflexively keep throwing, the sound somehow portrayed an aura of calmness and superiority. Her last stone, she stood up now. Prey wig as though she was going to the moon, she made a miniature countdown a loud. This was Katherine for crying out loud, something was bound to go wrong and so it did. As she raised her hand and tilted it slightly to the back, the pebble slipped out of her fingers only to rest upon a strangers forehead. Ow. Was the sound she heard before her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Turning around, her facial features were positioned in a way of complete and utter shame. She had hit the only guy at the beach that day and to be honest, she didnt know who to be more angry with. Her, or this human being that sought it wise to come to the beach right now.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 14:53:14 +0000

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