Two posts coming to you tonight...the firs is an update on Autumn! - TopicsExpress


Two posts coming to you tonight...the firs is an update on Autumn! Autumn is now home and resting comfortably, but she still has a long road ahead for her. Both of her legs are splinted to protect them and she has an external fixator where here hip was broken. This is basically a rod type device that is pinned to her hip bone so that her bones remain stable while they are healing. She is going to start going to laser therapy with Ryker and she will need physical therapy when her legs are stable enough. She unfortunately has to wear the cone of shame because she immediately wants to lick her wounds when it is off and on top of that she has to remain calm and quiet so that means a lot of rest and relaxation in her crate. I tell you though, when she is all healed up and as good as new, she is going to make one heck of a family member for some lucky family out there! So, still need your prayers and support for Autumn as she continues her recovery over the next couple of months. She will still require a lot of medical after care so if you would like to support Autumn and PMAR with those costs, we would greatly appreciate donations to Autumns YouCaring Fund. No amount is too small and we wholeheartedly appreciate any support you can give! youcaring/medical-fundraiser/autumn-hit-by-car-please-help-her-walk-again/292962 Here are two pictures. One of when we just got Autumn home. This was one of the few pics we got where she wasnt trying to wiggle around everywhere (its cute, but we cant let her injure herself). The second is her sleeping soundly in her crate.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 04:33:56 +0000

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