Two questions to ponder - Has anyone ever taken something - TopicsExpress


Two questions to ponder - Has anyone ever taken something “from” you? Have you ever found yourself looking for something that you cherished and realizing that you are the victim of theft? As the victim, it seems all that you can find is an empty feeling left in your stomach from the violation of your personal space. All four of the gospel writers introduce us to a man who is guilty of leaving individuals feeling just like this. Matthew would describe him as a “notorious criminal”, John just simply calls him a “robber”, Mark and Luke say that he is incarcerated because of murder. Regardless of what he has stolen, Barabbas would receive the punishment he deserves. He would be crucified! While each gospel shares this chapter of his life neither of them gives us many details about this man, and as soon as he steps on to the pages of the Bible he steps off, and we never hear about him again. We could make some assumptions from his name that he came from a religious family. The two words that make up his name are, Bar - son of”, and Abba - “father”. It could be that his parents loved God so much that they named him “the son of the Father” or maybe his daddy was a Rabbi and he was named the “son of a father”. Regardless, the proud parents that named their baby Barabbas had great hopes and dreams that their son would follow the “Father”. Has anyone ever taken something “for” you? Have you ever found yourself guilty of something, and then watch a friend or a sibling step up and take the punishment in your place? It is a rare thing, because we do not normally live so selflessly. But, if you have been the recipient of such a gift, the task of communicating your gratitude seems to be impossible. It is overwhelming to realize that someone would care for you enough to receive your due pain. All four of the gospels also tell us that Barabbas was released, innocent of all charges, and Jesus was crucified, also innocent of all charges. Jesus died on the cross that was made for Barabbas. Barabbas was guilty and Jesus was innocent. Barabbas was freed and Jesus was punished. Barabbas received life and Jesus received death. Jesus not only died for Barabbas, He died for me and He died for you. Jesus took our death and He gives us His life. He took our punishment and He gives us freedom. The One who was innocent died in the place of all the guilty. Thank You Jesus! Remember what was written in II Corinthians 5:21 God made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” Oh what a Savior!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 13:01:01 +0000

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