Two shall be One Marriage. This beautiful concept was given to - TopicsExpress


Two shall be One Marriage. This beautiful concept was given to us in the beginning by God and is to be put into practice by one male and one female for life. “One” is the goal of this union so as long as the man and the woman keep this as their priority, they will never allow any kind of problem – moral, spiritual, financial, or other – to interfere with this worthy aim. I like the earthly example of marriage that can be seen every day in downtown St. Louis. Standing strong on the horizon, with no other building allowed to be above her, is the Gateway Arch, built as a monument to the westward expansion of our country. What is visible to the human eye passing by is the beauty of stainless steel as it reflects the glory of the sun in the sky. What is not seen is the regular carbon steel which is “married” to the other side of each panel of stainless steel. Together, this oneness of two kinds of steel makes for an incredibly beautiful, yet strong, structure that serves as a long lasting memorial which will not soon be forgotten. So it is with the marriage that God gives to us. The wife is like the stainless steel, attractive and the half of marriage that is most prominent in the family. But the strength that is lost for the sake of beauty in the stainless steel is made up for in the sturdy carbon steel that is bolted and welded to the other side. The husband, or “house band”, needs to provide this power if the marriage is to be lasting. Alone, you might be able to make a monument that would last for a while, but for an edifice that lasts for the ages, the marriage of these two kinds of steel is ideal! It has been my privilege to be married for 37 years to a stainless steel kind of woman. I have tried to be carbon steel for her. God has blessed our attempt with much joy, especially in the form of companionship for each other, and in the lives of the children and grandchildren He has given to us. I will be eternally thankful to God for my wife who willingly submitted to me and put our family first. Through this marriage, God has not only comforted us, but has also provided better understanding of the whole meaning of life. Oh, and theres the children and grandchildren, too. The beautiful offspring who are loaned to us by God and will be expected to be returned again, with interest. Marriage is not for everyone. But whether or not you get married, you should know that marriage is what God has always had in mind for His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. You and I get the opportunity and privilege to be become “One” with Him and to live forever with Him in the place He is now preparing. This eternal marriage is what God has in mind. What do you have in mind? I hope that if you are not “in a relationship” with Jesus today that you will make that your top priority. Believe in Jesus with all your heart, repent and be baptized so your sins can be washed away, and then prove each day your faithfulness to the Bridegroom by doing His Will. He is coming again. Be waiting for Him along with all who make up His faithful Bride!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 03:20:22 +0000

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