Two things we need to get straight right now. A real women is - TopicsExpress


Two things we need to get straight right now. A real women is whatever she wants to be, and true to herself. Its not up to men what women should look like. They should look like whatever makes them feel the happiest to them. Size, clothes, race, none of that shit matters, if the woman is happy. With that in mind, and secondly, men go for whatever the hell they find attractive. It doesnt matter if a women is skinny, fluffy, or anything else in between, if a man finds that women attractive, to him shes attractive. Not every man, or women, find the same types of people attractive. And it really is ok for a guy to like only skinny women, just like some like more fluffy women. This goes both ways, of course. Just stating it this way because these are two of the things brought up the most. Men and women are all different, and therefore, its up to each person to deem what they find attractive, both in themselves, and in their partner. No one is less of a women because they look a certain way or are a certain type, which may not match a magazine, photoshopped, cover image. And, in that same regard, not one man, or women, is less manly or womanly because they go for types others may not find socially the best Prize of whatever society views, beauty to be. But that man or women is not really a pig either, just because he may go for the skinny version of beauty. The reality of beauty is that it is all relative. I myself dont really care about things like that, to me the most beautiful people, are those who are usually the most creative, colorful, and think outside the box. Its part of the reason I wanted to be that kind of person myself. But thats just me. All beauty is relative, and attraction is just attractive. So you all, really are, beautiful. Remember that. The next next time you get depressed over a magazine layout, which is probably fake anyway. Or the next time someone calls you fat, or even too tan, or too skinny, or too dark, or really too anything. Youre perfectly beautiful for you. You are all really beautiful. Remember that next time you want to crack on someone for the way they look. They may not fit your thoughts on what attraction is, but they do for someone else. Try not to be so judgemental to that other person, and in the same respect love yourself. You all, really are beautiful. That is all. -Jester
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 01:08:42 +0000

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