Two thousand Muslims (mainly women and children) were butchered in - TopicsExpress


Two thousand Muslims (mainly women and children) were butchered in Nigeria on Friday and Christian militia in Central African Republic (CAR) butchered a few hundred more Muslims over the weekend. I remained silent on purpose, as I wanted to see how many people would publicise this news on social media, especially since some mainstream news outlets covered the stories. But there was nothing... Where were the statuses on social media publicising this news? Where were our Muslim leaders, Imams and Shuyookh who have been quick to condemn and apologise for the acts of terror instigated by Muslims? The silence has been deafening. The hypocrisy and double standards have been evident for everybody to see. When the attacks against children happened in Peshawar, Pakistan, most Muslims had their say about what happened and many were falling over themselves in condemning the crime. But where are these people today? When the media made a big issue of the Peshawar attacks, everyone jumped on the bandwagon without realising that they had an agenda to further demonise Islam. I do not blame them because what is now becoming evident is that Muslims cannot think for themselves anymore. When the media asks us to jump, we do exactly that and condemn acts of terror when we do not have to, simply to please the powers that be. It is about time we started thinking for ourselves and started having an objective thought process independent of the emotions the media expects us to exhibit. So why have we not made an issue of what happened in Nigeria and CAR? When we talk about one Ummah, are our black Muslim brothers and sisters from Africa not included in that group of people, because it seems like that is exactly the case. - Brother Amar Alam
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 00:38:14 +0000

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