Two updates regarding my post on the accident in Eynon on Route 6 - TopicsExpress


Two updates regarding my post on the accident in Eynon on Route 6 ... Thankfully, the most severe injuries suffered were one patient with a broken leg, and another with some cracked ribs, bumps and bruises, and a road rash. It could have been so much worse, and thank God everyone is expected to be just fine. As far as defensive driving is concerned: Like I said, I drive like almost everyone I share the road with is an accident waiting to happen, so of course, I stay very alert. As I was leaving work, last night, I saw a car on Route 6 heading east, waited until it passed my BK, then headed home. For some reason, he wasnt doing the posted 35 MPH speed limit, and I was easily coming up beside him as we approached the light at Burlington. I was in the left lane, he in the right, and he was running out of lane. There are signs posted that the right lane ends and traffic merges left. Merging means you make sure its safe to move over, then fall in. It does NOT mean even though youre running out of road and theres a car right beside you (and slightly head of you) doing the speed limit and in the ONLY correct lane at that point, that you should glance at her, hit the gas, and steer up along side of her forcing her into the turn lane to avoid a collision. I expected a surprised glance when I laid on my horn and swerved to avoid a crash. I didnt expect the Jeep to kick up a generous pile of salt and cinders that Im sure pelted his car. I also didnt expect him to smile at me and hit the gas as if he was challenging me to a drag race. Tips to this special idiot: First of all, dont ever challenge a vehicle bigger than what youre driving. Second of all, the speed limit is 35. If youre doing 20, yes, people are going to pass you. Third; you dont just steer over because youre running out of road, moron! I was in the right and justifying your stupidity was a dangerous thing to do. Fourth, when you smiled at me and hit the gas as if to challenge me, did you really think that little compact piece of crap you were driving could force me off the road? Did the debris I kicked up trying to get out of your way crack your windshield? How much did you bribe someone to get your drivers license if you actually have one? Were you drunk like I suspected (impaired drivers often drive under the posted limit)? Do you have a death wish? You could have killed both of us, last night, if I didnt drive as if I knew Id be sharing the road with jerks like you. Okay, you were stupid, I was smart. You were driving a little tin can that would have crumbled had you steered into me, and, in case your ego needs to see this, my escape from YOUR willingness to temp fate because you dont know how to drive/shouldnt have been driving/think youre Jeff Gordon was a clear indication as to what a car with balls can offer. NOW you know what 70 miles per hour looks like. It looks like my cars tail-lights speeding away as fast I can can from a dangerous idiot like you. I hope you got where you were going in one piece. I lost sight of you once I crested the hill. If your windshield ended up cracked and/or broken as a result of your impairment/stupidity/trying to force ME off the road, oh well. Had you hit me, the damage to your car would have been the least of your worries. (sigh) Rant over. Theyre out there, and I always seem to encounter them. Be careful. Drive defensively. When faced with a challenge, get the hell out of the way. The life you save may be your own, OR, that of an idiot with an ego who chooses to mess with the wrong person on the road. Okay, NOW, my rant is over!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 01:39:17 +0000

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