Two weeks ago I introduced Barry Brown to a lady friend of mine - TopicsExpress


Two weeks ago I introduced Barry Brown to a lady friend of mine who needed a ride up North ...Barry never met the woman. Only talked to her on the phone and through text. My firend is on a very limited income and was in desperate need at the time. I never thought Barry would take advantage of her situation but he sure did! They were suppose to leave Sunday but Thursday she called him and told him she took a fall and had an issue with her grandson and couldnt go for about another two weeks. Barry took to berated her and telling her that people were depending on him to be there and that he was counting on her money for gas. That his brother in law had worked all evening putting up a hot wire fence for his horses and that she was ruining everything ...people were depending on him to be there...ha!!! there is no reason in the world that Barry Brown couldnt have waited for two weeks for this aint like the asshole works...all he does is drift from place to place. I am so pissed because my friend felt so bad she sent him the gas money to go out of her disability check because she didnt want any problems with him. She felt so bad she didnt tell me til yesterday morn that she had sent him the money and what he had done to her. What the hell kind of man does that to a woman on disability!! Get a damn job you lazy asshole and pay your own way,,,,then if she goes and gives you gas money that is extra you have...but to only know a woman two weeks and know that she is in a bad position and take her money...You ar a dirty louse!!!!..Most people know I have went out of our way to help Barry for four yearsl We helped him when at Christmas he had no where to go. For him to do this is totally crossing the line. I want his family to know this is no reflection on them. You cant help who your relatives are. They all know they have provided him numerous times with money over the years and not seen it returned. Thats one thing..But to take advantage of a woman on disability is the lowest form of scum there is. I take this very personal as this was a friend i had introduced to him....He may as well robbed me. Yesterday Barry blocked me because he wont face up to what he did. I know we have many mutual friends...874 of them. So those that can support what a scumbag he is all i can say let him know until he sends her back $300. plus interest he is gonna hear from me every day everywhere he goes. Every book signing. I am going to be his worst nightmare!!!!! You dont do this to a woman! Least one that is on disability! Pay her money back asshole. You left her with 200. til August. Anyone that knows me knows for me to front you off like this everywhere you have really done something. You are a bully. No wonder your other two wives got rid of your ass. Send that money back today Barry Brown Bionic Bull Rider or reap what you sowed
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 12:45:50 +0000

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