Two weeks or less and then the sucker is going up! Why wait to - TopicsExpress


Two weeks or less and then the sucker is going up! Why wait to enjoy it? Heck, I listen to Christmas music sporadically throughout the year... LOL I will not let society dictate when I can and cannot enjoy Christmas. I know my love for everything that is the Christmas season sometimes annoys the hell out of some, but there truly is a reason for my madness. Some of my very BEST memories are from Christmastime when I was little. Those memories are overflowing with special moments with my dad as well as the family. You see... I didnt luck out like the majority of you who may read this...I didnt have a lifetime of Christmases with my dad... I had 13 before he died. My memories are full of overwhelming joy from those Christmases I was lucky enough to have with him. So, yes I carry on and on about early as during the summer sometimes... LOL Looking back Christmas was a very special time for my mom and dad. We, as a family, may have had to do without during the rest of the year but when it came to Christmas, Mom and Dad went all out. But, it was far more than about the gifts. The Christmas songs...the loving, joyous spirit that filled the house, the laughter and Christmas shows...the Santa coloring books...the window murals Glenn would paint on our huge picture window...the letters from Santa that Mom and Dad would write...the calling Santa umpteen billion times (not knowing how I was jacking up the phone bill.... LOL)...Mom and Dad having to tie together two opposing closet doors in the hallway so that I would stay in my room and go to sleep on Christmas Eve....listening to the classic Christmas records... the white Christmases (if we were lucky) etc... etc... but more than that it was just a wonderful, loving time. Thus, I think that is why I love the holiday season and why I try to welcome and enjoy this time of year so much and why I still absolutely love the holiday season and go on and on about the holiday well before Halloween. For some, its just about rushing around, dealing with grumpy people and crowds, buying gifts and the hit our checking accounts take (which admittedly does SUCK!) seems like a burden to some...but for me, Christmas allows me to stay connected to not only Dads memory but also to some awesome childhood memories as a family....and they serve as encouragement for me to carry on the same spirit of not only Christmas but also the spirit of peace, joy, and love for my children to remember.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 04:25:26 +0000

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