Two years ago, I decided that my life had to change. I was very - TopicsExpress


Two years ago, I decided that my life had to change. I was very overweight, completely sedentary(somewhat inactive) and ashamed of what I had allowed myself to become. I committed to losing weight and making this the very last time. I lost 50kg and this year makes 2years of maintaining the weight loss. I dont claim to have lost weight in the healthiest or best manner possible. I ate processed food, I partook of sugar substitutes and I indulged from time to time but I kept going back on track. It worked for me and has made me into a very healthy person. I am at the correct BMI for my height and have a great body fat percentage. It could be for you a weight issue also, relationship issue, financial issue or whatever issue....Forget about yesterday,forget about tomorrow and just focus on what you can do now - to make that relationship better,to change your lifestyle, to take challenging and bold steps that will turn your financial status around,to seize opportunities(positive)as they come by, not to eat that cake or take a 30-minutes walk. All of these things are series of tiny choices, not any sort of dramatic lifestyle change. Do that and eventually, one day, youll find yourself on top, and youll hardly even know how you got there. This post keeps me in track and also help others battling with same. Feel free to check out my blog. temistots.blogspot
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 09:50:17 +0000

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