Two years ago at French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts, - TopicsExpress


Two years ago at French Woods Festival of the Performing Arts, over skype, GoodGolly MissMolly and I came up with a ridiculous idea for a Christmas in July movie called Crusty the Roadman. Later that summer, Dylan J Bondy joined the project as a staff advisor, and became the jolly Gulf War crusty homeless veteran that we all know and love. The movie turned out well, and was accepted into the Titular Head film festival at Grinell College... But, to be honest, it was still more or less an in-joke among the video department at French Woods, and we didnt have as much time to perfect it as we wanted to. Thus the idea to convert the screenplay into a one act. Two years went by thinking about how to rework this camp film into a stage play on and off, until it came about into its most recent form. Tonight I would like to announce to Facebook that the tale of Crusty the Roadman has new life as a reworked one act for Brandeis Ensemble Theaters Quickies One Act Festival! I want to thank the people previously mentioned, French Woods Video, Matt Dershowitz, (who is not at Brandeis to reprise his role even though he could have), Jonny Scoblionko, Sky Monosson (Jamal), all of the other kids, and Jesus Christ, who were part of the original short (as seen below) back in 2013. Because how could miracles happen without a Christ.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 03:18:55 +0000

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