Two years ago today I held a screening of the best documentary I - TopicsExpress


Two years ago today I held a screening of the best documentary I had ever seen that shattered the official story of 9/11. I invited some non-politicized friends from childhood. They all were shocked to learn about the 3rd building that fell that day, since none of them had known about it. And after viewing the film they were obviously having some cognitive dissonance. I remember one of them saying well it must have been the terrorists that planted the explosives! This is the state we are in, this sort of extreme, almost absurd denial. It is not mentally challenging to understand that it was physically impossible for the buildings to fall the way they did that day. Its not quantum physics, or reading Shakespeare, or whatever sort of super-complicated activity you can come up with. Most of it is pretty straightforward. The real reason most deny the truth about 9/11 is the same reason most deny the truth about any of the other massive lies out there, like capitalism, structural racism, patriarchy, or climate change. Its not that they are difficult to dissect and understand - its that the truth is horrifying. The truth is that we live in a violent, unequal society that exploits everything, which runs on a sociopathic economic system, which is also a male and white supremacy, that is polluting our world and killing off species to the extent that we are probably looking at our own near-term extinction. Oh, and our government brings down buildings on its own soil to start global wars and crack down on internal dissent. Yep, thats a terrifying reality, and it takes great courage to face it. Much easier to eat up propaganda and worry about your own individual job, family, friends...if you happen to have the privilege to pretend that this stuff isnt happening. But the nightmare is happening and ongoing, and denying it only gives it more room to grow. Until you acknowledge the reality of our situation, you cant begin to be part of the solution. ... At least more and more people seem to be waking up to reality. Resistance feels like it is growing and becoming more serious. And even those whose goal it is to have an independent investigation of 9/11 are gaining traction. This was aired on C-Span last month, only 13 years (haha!) after the events happened.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 18:54:20 +0000

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