Two years ago we werent sure if our now 6 year old Gordon Setter - TopicsExpress


Two years ago we werent sure if our now 6 year old Gordon Setter would live another week. Our hyper setter would barely move. He cried in his sleep. I held him in my arms at night, making sure I could always feel his breathing. In the morning we took him to the vet. At first we thought he had eaten something that poisoned him while he was hunting a few days earlier. Blood tests quickly rulled that out. We live in a very small town, our vet does not have his own xray machine (he out sources to an animal hospital a few miles away). So he sent us to another vet to have chest x-rays done. The x-rays revealed ME. The vet who diagnosed him had never heard of a successful case of management. Our normal vet hadnt either, but he told us as long as we wanted to try to give Phoenix back a quality of life, that he would do everything he could. He contacted colleagues from school. We came up with a plan. We found a formula for food that he loves, and helps him keep his weight up. Until my fiancé finished building our chair, it took two people to feed him. One to spoon, and one to hold Phoenix up. Then came a set back. Phoenix aspirated one day whole eating. I knew as soon as I head him wrenching that this could be bad. Phoenix developed pneumonia. We began administering antibiotics and steroids, crushed pills at first to combat it. They did nothing. Our vet showed us how to administer by shot. He still didnt get better. He was so weak that he wet himself on the couch. Our boy who only had 4 accidents in the house since the day we brought him home as a puppy. We carried him outside and held him up so he could go potty. I was a part time waitress, full time student, but I wasnt going to work or class. I was so afraid that if I left, he wouldnt be there when I got home. We used his dosage of antibiotics. The day came when I just had to go back to work and school. My fiance stayed home with him for the day. During my break, I checked my phone to find a video of Phoenix, trotting through our yard. Just like that, my boy was back! He greated me at the door when I got home. I could tell he was tired, but he followed me and wagged his tail. Flash forward two years, and my boy is better than ever. He hasnt regurgitated in 9 months. He is not on any daily medication. Issues are few and far between. We have perfected his food, and he eats like a little pig. He still hunts! He is stronger than ever. And happy! Too often we hear of these sweet dogs not having such a bright outcome. I just wanted to share a success story! If anyone is looking for a good recipe, I am glad to share mine, just send me a message.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 04:40:33 +0000

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