Ty Audio my space station basement is full of experimental space - TopicsExpress


Ty Audio my space station basement is full of experimental space crafts and space tools after work I race home in an auto podule across the metroplex because I cant wait to mechanize my Rhyme vehicles to optimal performance all night I argue with Aliens that dont understand human mentality for misplacing my anti gravity fuses box they get two shocks on they buttocks by my robots modok playing tug of war with utility droids under water over scanners before they destroy my spanners the particle field generators can not take much more damage in training procedure designation x next thing I need is a beer before i begin to inspect for repairs of the aerio bot fleetz severe hull distress to panels in the leftWings of the x wings crews of alien doctors coming to examine the freak accident more thoroughly hundreds of them hovering hurryingly to the rescue as if on cue another view point discoordination in the multi plexing space stations hanging from the hive tech driven on auto ion devices intricate cybers fiber optimal the mechanics quadrupaling unusually along the telemetry of my Rhymes like the maddest scientists of the galaxy got together and built that lab with the auto vocab attached and duct taped silver electrical tape too utilized when on particular jaunts within the think tank never targetting the thought core of any focus group or forum the warps in my mind teletransport them to distant dimensional windows once in the dragon fly dropship robotics detach off my left arm when I wash dishes dropping mad lyrics then back inbetween intricate intervals with these aliens again in my mental basement with spacemen navigating thru mad ancient atlantean transports in the continuums with your enterprise like an M class starship cruiser from the future and get moody in the studio booth no Audio dont ever have to reload plus the batteries in my headphones on warp in my thoughts cortexed yet vortexed heck yeah lab audio saucers vehicling pop up wheelying alien robots floating in the sky world looking upside down at a biosphere as I auto pilot with all typesa microchips developing around auto cybersynthetic skeletal frames made of cozell frames intricately digitally designing my helmet elements plus the belts fit mad snug around my chin as I grin again once in the canopy when at the space dock with octaves doctors with mad spectrometers optics looking sorta illogical doctor who knew then begin to default back to auto mode so I can camouflage with your hover cars Ty Audio mix more found materials than collage got alien fetuses on intergalactic frontiers growing in invetro jars the fully undeveloped ones never age in the biomechanical farms of podules miniature moduled in comparison to the more elaborate lab studies that suddenly spring to consciousness like the original my buddy getting ready to activate the teddy ruxpin prototype test subject once we add the A I chip Ty Audio collaborating with countless martian scientists in the district since they were all infants limitless amounts of technologies compacted down a corridor of infinitums indicative of a myriad of unpatented inventions the dimensions in my mind pyramid hiving perpetually building ontop of themselves like a metroplex of computerized library book shelves planted by alien whales that swim in space as I vacate to distant interdimensional climates with meteorologists and the most modern physicists in the hydopractic field practice but the space academics gotta intern for atleast a terran year before even being authorized to sample much less handle the complex mechanical meta machines that delicately deal with the sophisticated ancient alien nature of the nano particle artifacts happening mathematically dismantling its own mentality when under a ligt year of meticulous electromagnetic probation observatorium constructs conducting structural deformaties resulting in hallucinogenic side effects once space times determined as just a mere optical perceptiveeffect when in any event then we can proceed with the experiment Aliens holding up human blueprints to blue light screens when within the engines of my mind to trouble shoot straight into the super computer to happily conduct an hour of analytical diagnostics on your star ships antigravity propulsor units then when once within the boonies of the alien sector Im inspecting insect tech with hi tech detectives and robo hunters but thier flow dont function properly without proper sensors arraying corridor systematically and cascadically traveling while robots be gaurding the perimeter against mad cyber synthetic winter soldiers ninjas that teleport off the ceilings of the Rhyme engines like bio gremlins battling with gattlings matter descramblers translating thier original physiological apparatus back to the key actually as calculated when recalibrating a freestyle break down soundtrack when in my mind the consciousness contact tractor beams me to a new uncharted coordinate then walking holographically thru a martian thought forest and metasporic harvests spectrometrically measured upon my wrist gauntlet that reacts to any vocal protocol mixed with cobalt quartz optic rountines Ty Audio auto drones can then proceed to let off a plethera of semi auto text down the project colony nine cooridor sporing like multiple metaspores popping off then shrapnel warping in a freeze frame timelapse film steinbeck flat bed reel to reel just fletcher three thousanding the stretcher bars out of all the artificifial atmosphere creators for your planetoids sustanance as the shuttle ships lift off from the launch site mad kilometers away so ths dust from the gust winds dont interrupt the airports satellite relays when the alien deejays on the turntable dash boards scratching asimov fastforwarding to teletransport Ty Audio into our alternate reality again but recombining his particles back under his skin might prove to be an arduous task to achieve when in the next attempt where the next extraterrestrial experts went Ty Audio extra sensory perceptive units be the utmost introspective out of the rest of the exo suit series period era of the orbitting interstellar space lands of atlantea that transports continents the size of pangea thru warped wormholes over time at the blink an optic and other archaic knowledges that abduct and breed another advanced humanoid species thatre carbon based in the tree genenomics eons ago back when saturn had an oxygen atmosphere or new jupitor ancient genetic data extracted and collected from the mammals on manual factory setting features in the programmable collabo code with tadpole chromosomes floating in the primordial stews brewed in Ty Audios auto books robots go look into the input then took up too much beta for the A I pod to go into outter space and explore more uncharted transportal options for the auto modoks to logistically deduct but just adjusted only to auto rush thus factoring down out of the probable illogistics of an anti autonomous society A I mode all the time same channel enamored in the upgrades of annual lifespans and hidden contracts without warrantees just programmed to be batteries and or nuclear reactors without vaccines or a possible means of a remedy repeatedly in a remedial temportable mobile pilot but instead your pirate ships constructed of junk particles that will never register to the interstellar airports antenneas when signalling me every minute to Rhyme as my mind designs mad arrays randomly designated just upon the outter rims of the interplanetarial ocean perimeter of the peninsula robotic metropolis in some insular bio domes but all I know is that the sky has forty moons Audio drones in the glitch switching rubies in the institute similar to the inside of a diamond trilithium ship of an alien colony of modern tribal canopies no I cant believe anything so my mind blinks in and out of extinction on sting rays metasporic waterfalls falling up into the aquatic head quarters at the refueling space ports like mad unidentified flying saucers on nokia quartz Ty Audio in my mind my thoughts operate on auto auxillery still in the machine I never mind read without authority from the mentality of the auto frame proto mecha on cyber ops Vox at mach speeds achieved I be on radioactive geometric platform Rhyming experimentally back on earth twenty about one hundred light years later ago Ty audio auto mode uniformity reflecting my robots plotted and unified between two sky lines in the right side up cloud city in reverse like a t shirt undercover op that was once another escape contaminated lab clone experiment like a twelve monkey junkie another wannabe clone company mass manufacturer in after world transporting plants avalanching from the alternate futures splintering on plural formulas and notations when drifting thru space but the auto wavelengths remain mainframing from my eighties magnovox bots that ejects cassettez out their chests sasqwatch looking like shock troopers of the tool bit two bit pixel cubic graphic equipped when I begin to shift into different interdimensional temporal ripplings quadrupling in duplexes only located beneath the eastern quadrant of two nexuses ya stylez up for another psyche eval now so come with us space agent patient x nine get ready to be mentally teletransported into the eigtieth thousandth year earth journieth ascension the earliest project interdimensions tenements of cubicles multiple pods of meta chlorean filled incubators guilds of shield betas infiltrated by sentinel droids deployed from the next century intelli Ty Audio schedule be quite legible when on neptune amplitude how ever perpetual flight patterns are A I auto mode when looking out the windows of the dragon fly designed dropships optics in my minds machines clock works be intricately auto inspected when implementing a perplex geodesic method when telekinetcally stepping back into the complex vectoring hives that designs machines inside of my mind when I Rhyme on
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 02:56:41 +0000

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