Tyler in the 1st picture is 3 weeks before he was diagnosed with - TopicsExpress


Tyler in the 1st picture is 3 weeks before he was diagnosed with #type1 #diabetes and the second picture was taken last week for his cousins party. He was 28 months old diagnosed and is now 4 years 8 months and pumping. Tyler, is (Mum) Alisons little man. Mum says, pumping is by far the best thing to help him manage his Type 1 Diabetes. As some of us know Tyler has been very sick for a long time and was constantly in and out of hospital every few weeks. He had no quality of life and everyday was a battle in itself. He is so strong and brave and has just got on with what was thrown at him and always came back smiling. Since starting his pump he is a different child. He has a better quality of life, can enjoy himself more and he actually sleeps during the night now. No more hospital admissions and we can manage sickness at home now. Mum is so grateful, for how well Tyler is doing and how he is loving school. Mum Alison says, Everyday we still have the same battle trying to control blood sugars and prevent hypos but this is not always the case. We still do blood sugars check every 2 hours and maybe more when needed, night checks every night and some nights all night. We weigh all his food and have to carb count everything and read every label before giving food yo him. The mood swings Somedays are unbearable but its all part of it. Im just glad that I have my little man with me and so proud of him. Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune disease where the pancreas fails and doesnt produce insulin anymore so people with Type1 diabetes need to inject insulin everyday. Its definitely not caused by bad diet, too much sweets and sugar, its definitely not contagious . Someday I hope there is a cure for Type 1 Diabetes, but for now we can only hope. November is Diabetes Awareness Month x Its a battle every day and no such thing as a good day. He just gets on with it but definitely doesnt like when he cant have something. He can eat treats with the pump now, but in moderation and as long as we can weigh it and know what carbs are in it. Still learning everyday. I would be lost without family and friends and the support of other parents going through the same as us x #KnowTheFacts #BeType1Aware
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 09:10:42 +0000

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