Typed abstract of my lecture on International Terrorism in Delhi - TopicsExpress


Typed abstract of my lecture on International Terrorism in Delhi University this August as a response to present Indian Situation. KASHMIR: MODERN PERSPECTIVE In the light of changed perception of the people towards terrorism Kashmir’s modern perspective is very different from what we had been studying off late. Kashmir is a land which delights innumerable people in the world. It is a land of multi- dimensional protracted form of fundamentalism. We find three different forces of Nationalism which is responsible for making Kashmir, What it is: 1. Religious nationalism propounded by Pakistan. 2. Secular nationalism asserted by India and propagated by India. 3. Ethnic nationalism of Kashmir. If we talk about Kashmir, Kashmiris call it rightist nationalism which is the fundamentalism combined with separatism whereas for the Hindus in Kashmir, it is totally a secular form of nationalism. HISTORICAL EVOLUTION To understand How Kashmir has evolved severities of separatism over the decades & still facing it, it is necessary to understand the historical perspective of the evolution of the Kashmir. After the secessionist movement called by the fundamentalist forces in 1947 & the establishment of the fact by Pakistan that Kashmir belongs to them, there was a state of consciousness in the mind of Indian leaders. Indian leaders for a substantial period of time were not in a position to understand whether they should accept the princely nature of the state or should they accept the free nature of the state under the dominion of Indian Territory. This is probably one of the reasons for creating a situation of ambiguity among the Indian Leadership. Despite the Kashmir region which has the majority of Muslim population with 98%, there are two other areas known as Jammu & Laddakh which are topographically and demographically different from the other regions. While, Jammu constitutes (22. 5%) population as Muslims, the remaining are Hindus. The Hindus are mostly the Dogra community whereas the Muslims can be categorized into three different communities: The Gujjars: nomadic tribes of the region Kashmiri Muslims who dominate the major politics of the region Muslim tribal’s who constitute the major population of Laddakh region. Post 1947, almost 53% population of the region was culturally, emotionally and politically under the control of Muslim league except for a few voices in favour of democratic secularism. At the same time, Sheikh Abdullah, most dominant political leader of the region realized that this is the opportune time for asserting his political desire. He, however, became completely docile in 1951-52. In 1953, a popular movement was started against Abdullah by Praja-Parishad which is a Hindu regional party later on termed as Jansangh, Hindu national party. Afraid of the vast Muslim majority, the Hindu nationalist parties immediately demanded for full and irrevocable amalgamation of the Kashmir into Indian dominion. Hence, Abdullah got a wonderful opportunity to establish this fake fact among the Muslims that India is against their interest. Indian top brass leadership got perplexed and could not prognosticate the furor and this led to a situation of havoc which went in favor of the secessionist Muslim fanatic leaders. Another reason responsible for panic among the Indian leadership is the events of 1954-55. The cold war was at its peak during which US offered a security alliance to Pakistan and Indians continuous clamored call to the world democratic forces that Pakistan is illegally utilizing the arms supplied by US to shatter the Indian sovereignty & suzerainty went to deaf ears. Hence India got alarmed by the panic created by this insidious movement by Pakistan. This has further aggravated the tensions in the region which got penetrated by the movement splurged by Pakistan. EVOLUTION OF MILITANCY IN KASHMIR & GROWTH OF RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISM The growth of militancy in Kashmir has been instigated and has been stimulated by five most important sequences of events: 1. The seeds of militancy were sown by erstwhile plebiscite front started by the supporters of Abdullah. 2. In 1964, there was a growth of holy relic movement, the harbinger of youth politics marked by pseudo –rebellious romanticism. 3 Development of two prominent youth organization ‘Students & youth league’ led by Abdul Rashid kabli ‘Young mens league’ led by plebiscite front founder Mirza Afzal Beg 4 During 1965, Youth upsurge in the valley & 5 Kashmiris strong rapport with the Pakistani infiltrators who made appearance in 5th August 1965. Together these five different episodes formed the basic foundation of terrorism in the region. Another important reason for the further growth of terrorism is the free entry and exit into India and Pakistan. Strategically important regions of POK such as: ‘Hajipur bulge to Kotli’ and Mirpur provided a depth to Rawalpindi-Islamabad-Gujrat-Jhelum-Mangla Dam belt. Such a large open territorial region in the form of a frontier was a big loss to a country like India. Moreover, there were some open windows to Pakistan which were in Uri, Gulmarg, Poonch, Naushera and Chhamb Sector. So, almost the entire country was exposed to the infiltration of the Pakistans fanatic nationalist forces. Moreover, in 1970 the central government in the country started a new identity for the people of Kasmir ‘Homo-Indicus’ i.e homogenous modern Indian. And hence it crossed beyond the demand of identity. Pakistan’s continuous growing involvement in the cross border terrorism in the Kashmir region was seen after operation ‘Gibralter’ when armed infiltrators were sent to the Kashmir rally. In 1964 Pakistan asked the guerillas trained by them to follow sabotage activities following the Hazrat Bal Incident. Subsequently Pakistan’s president Ayub Khan ordered attack on ‘Akhnur’ It was approached by the Pakistan govt. & was also called the Grand Slam Movement In 1977 Gen Zia-UL Haq again planed sabotage with the help of trained Guerillas in the name of Islam. Gen. Ul-Haq also started operation Topaq which was aimed as high class organized terrorism. After facing a huge debacle in the Kabyali sort of invasion the Pakistani forces established network by following a plan where they should infiltrate with planned technologically advanced warfare methodology of terrorism. So, in 1986 after a moderately successful launching of majahideen movement and by conglomerating interests between JKLF & Punjab, they developed strong network of cross-border terrorism. Slowly & Slowly Pakistan started using Kashmir card instead of Islamic card Pakistani Decision makers were aware of the problem of function purely on the basis of political diplomacy. Hence, they approached the entire issue in military terms. Secondly, while the military outlook was taken as a primary option, their was a healthy willingness to go for a war PRESENT SCENARIO OF KASHMIR Today people have because professional in their approach towards self-settlement rather than their commitment to Pakistan. People have now realized that their livelihood is more dependent on tourism & peaceful nature rather than the staunch fanaticism towards establishing Islamic fundamentalism. Hence, small tourism centers such as Gulmarg, Pahalgam & other adjoining area are now flourishing. Certain virgin land which has tremendous scope such as Bhadarva region under the Doda district is also opening the path to establishing all time stability. Regions adjoining Doda valley such as kishtwar & khileni which has gained importance from the point of peaceful orientation & Culture amicability & which are also less effected by the terrorism can also be developed by Kashmir Govt. However, the regions of the valley which hitherto used to be adobe of terrorism starting from Jawahar Tunnel: Quazi Kund to Chhatisingphora have started showing doors to terrorism and adopting tourist way of living . Pakistans long endeavour to establish terrorism in India & incapacity & in capability of Pakistan to successfully nurture & flourish terrorism has demoralized the political masters country of their country to deliver goods on account of fake politics. Moreover Pakistan has itself landed into trouble by degenerating the nation’s resources into satiating its insidious designs. It has further increased the inflation rate in Pakistan manifold. They are more involved in their personal demarcating separatist forces. Hence, Pakistan now fears that they have paid enough for an activity which had been fruitless for them. Together, they must realize that this prosperity is in lifting the economy rather than shattering its pace. It is high times for Pakistan to realize that ethicality & culturally they are akin to the people of Kashmir. Terrorism throughout the world has got a negative response & the world is how better equipped to give a counter attack to it. Both the nations show now focus on South asian solidarity through trade and tourism and target on long term stability through economic consolidation.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 06:24:22 +0000

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