Types of Players in League of Legends: 1. The Most Kills Scrub - TopicsExpress


Types of Players in League of Legends: 1. The Most Kills Scrub - Just because they have the highest kills on the team, they feel superior to teammates. They dont understand teamwork or securing objectives so they decide to make fun of players who dont have as many kills as them. How to spot if they are really bad at the game, if they trash talk the Support who is 1/3/7. I have more kills than you, so STFU. 2. Middle of Lane/No Wards & Aggressive Player - These are players that will lose a 1v1 in lane and then come back do it another 2 times, get ganked with no wards, and then blame the jungler for not camping their lane or say. My Jungler doesnt know how to gank. Eventually goes AFK because they have fed too hard and have raged at the Jungler. 3. Feral Flare or GTFO Player - These are Junglers who will stay in the jungle and farm feral flare despite being right next to a lane in the jungle that is getting pushed super hard. Will not gank and will just keep running around their own jungle. These guys have no presence in the game until Mid Tower is gone. 4. Cant Support Player - People who never play support ever but since they are last pick they argue about going support, then pick something that has no CC abilities and try to support with it. Will not buy armor or Magic resist, better yet will not buy a Sight Stone and Sweeper and will go Straight Dmg despite being 0-7. Will try to 1v2 at the wrong times while the ADC is trying to CS and then says. I cant with this ADC, never follows up. 5. Refuses to Group Player - A player who fails to group when everyone says group, instead you can find them in the jungle taking wight camp or taking a blue buff on an energy champ or trying desperately to split push when the team has the advantage and is up 5k gold. 6. Rather Chase than Turret Player - Self explanatory. Feel free to add more. Lol.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 15:52:56 +0000

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