Typical Indian When the shampoo bottle seems to be over, I pour - TopicsExpress


Typical Indian When the shampoo bottle seems to be over, I pour some water in it, shake it, and use it for another bath. - What is wrong in that. On the contrary one must appreciate. That for me a toothpaste isnt over until Ive entirely flattened it out and started rolling it up from the back. - Why waste. One should learn from the Indians. That I buy broccoli and avocados for 300 Rupees, but still ask for some dhaniya patta for free. - Fancy vegetables are mostly available in Malls and hence asking for free dhaniya or Kadi patta just does not arise. And secondly - you feel it is free but the price for so called freebies are already & always included in the price of vegetables. That I dont just recycle gifts, I recycle the gift-wrapping paper too. Our home has fine bone china crockery which is used only when guests visit. - One is saving money, saving space at home by recyling the gifts and it happens all over the world hence do not single out the Indians alone. And by the way.....there is nothing wrong in reclying. - By recycling the gift wrapper not only one is saving money but ecology also. Here also rest of world should learn from we Indians. - It happens world over to display your best when guest arrives. That I worry about price of gold without any reason of buying it! - They do not worry about gold rates alone but they worry about corruption, injustice, raps etc also. That I will beat the crap out of my remote to make it work but not change the battery. - This also happens world over. I get so disappointed if the pani puri guy doesnt give a free sukha puri in the end when I ask for one. - Again the so called free sukha puri price is already included in Pani Puri price. That I wont have my breakfast and starve myself if I have been invited for a lunch buffet. - This observation is totally wrong. That when my T-shirt gets old, I use it as night wear, when it gets older, I play holi in it & then I use it as a pochha. - In reclying - no body can beat Indians. World must learn from we Indians. That I ask for extra oregano and chili flakes from the Dominos guy, so that I can use them later in Maggi. - In this world nothing is free. ---- ----I AM SURE THERE ARE MANY MORE TELL-TALE ---- LET ME KNOW IF THIS DOES NOT SOUND FAMILIAR IN INDIAN HOMES. SOME OF US HAVE LIVED THIS WAY AND SOME ARE STILL LIVING IT. OLD HABITS DIE HARD BUT REMEMBER BEING FRUGAL IS FINE BUT BEING FOOLISH IS CROSSING THE LINE. ENJOY AND NOW YOU CAN LAUGH YOUR ARSE OFF!!! Do not be apologetic or ashamed . You are saving the resources, you are saving the ecology, you are saving the money. We are serving the mother earth. So be a proud Indian. Spread the word.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 20:49:11 +0000

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