TÉMOIGNAGE DUN MÉDECIN DE GAZA SUR LES CIBLES CIVILES PALESTINIENNES VISÉES PAR LARMÉE ISRAÉLIENNE : NBF: Finally, Dr. Belal, Israel has been deliberately targeting medical workers throughout this past month. How are you keeping yourself and your staff safe, and what message do you think that these kinds of attacks and deliberate targeting of medical workers sends to Gaza? BD: In these current attacks, there was absolutely no taboos — everything was targeted. Education, health, religious targets, civilian targets, NGOs, everything received its share of the fire. And doctors sustained a big share of the toll that this operation sustained. So far, fifteen medical workers were killed in the attacks, most of them during duty, due to direct targeting of the ambulances. This led into the targeting of the hospitals and health centers, four major hospitals were out of work due to the damages they sustained in the direct hits — and you can add to that that the work, having to deal with life and people having to save hundreds every day — this altogether posed a huge risk. But being a doctor is all about sacrifice. They have to do it, because people depend on it. The cohesion of everyone around us depends on how we are staying put in one piece, not losing our senses. And therefore we feel a huge responsibility and we act according to our responsibility. Pour toute linterviwe, voir : electronicintifada.net/blogs/nora-barrows-friedman/israel-broke-all-taboos-attacking-civilians-says-gaza-doctor?utm_source=EI+readers&utm_campaign=a542bd7a9f-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_e802a7602d-a542bd7a9f-288846297
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 16:28:45 +0000

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