~*~U.K. AUTOMOTON POLITICIANS INSTALLING POISON PILLS.~*~ U.Ks Poison Pill Privatisation Contracts Could Cost The British Public Taxpayers £300Million - £400Million To Cancel If This Government Are Voted Out Of Office. MICHAEL GOVE Helped To Install These Contracts That Circumvent Democracy By Guaranteeing Profits For The Likes Of SERCO & G4S Etc... For 10 Years Before The Choice Of The People. Whoever Controls The Media Controls Your Mind. The Journalists Who Never Sleep - Robot Writers That Can Interpret Data And Generate Stories Are Starting To Appear In Certain Business And Media Sectors. Quill (A Robowriter) Is Also Taking An Interest In Finance, Another Field In Which Articles By Humans Are Often Repetitive. Robots Reading Data Written By Robotic Algorithmes Written By Banks. Banks, Brokers And Rating Agencies, Which Prefer To Remain Anonymous, Use Quill To Draft The Countless Reports Required By The Federal Administration And Regulatory Bodies. For The Time Being... Reports Produced By Quill Are Checked Before Dispatch, Because Were Still At An Experimental Stage. But In A Few Months They Will Be Sent To The Administration Automatically, Without Being Seen By Human Eye. FIDELITY Reviewed Which Investors Did Best And What They Found Was Hilarious, They Were The Accounts Of People Who Forgot They Had An Account At FIDELITY. Speculative Lemmings Raised In Test Tubes Of Fraud Become Droids Easily Manipulated By The Kleptocrats. MAX And STACY Discuss Much, Much More. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAX Interviews In The Second Half XAVIER HAWK About Permacredits And Colony Earth. Get Into The Financial Know By Clicking Below.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 00:14:00 +0000

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