U.K. PAPER: U.S. NO LONGER SUPERPOWER THANKS TO OBAMA October 1, 2013 by Breaking News In a scathing indictment of the Obama regime, a recent Daily Telegraph column offers an international perspective of America’s current predicament. According to Con Coughlin, a global security expert and defense editor at the United Kingdom-based paper, the superpower status long enjoyed by the U.S. is quickly deteriorating. Most of that blame, he notes, lies with Barack Obama. Calling the devolution into a federal government shutdown “humiliating,” Coughlin wrote that this represents just the latest in a series of missteps by the 44th president. Coughlin also chided Obama for his deeply flawed healthcare reform law, which initiated the congressional stalemate that ultimately resulted in the shutdown. Aligning with House Republicans who tried feverishly to enact a resolution that would de-fund or postpone its implementation, the writer said that ObamaCare is mired in unknown consequences and “risks adding to America’s debt mountain.” Finally, Coughlin pointed to the disparate reactions between Obama and Vladimir Putin regarding upheaval in Syria as a sign of the former’s “inability to provide decisive leadership.” The international community views the Russian leader’s response to that conflict as more direct and decisive, which Coughlin suggests has further damaged the U.S. brand worldwide. He summarizes his position with a comment likely to resonate with millions in this country, concluding that “the longer the Obama presidency continues, the more America’s status as a superpower ebbs away.” There are countless other instances throughout the past five years that show Obama is either chronically inept or systematically trying to ruin America. Many feel his consistent missteps have been caused by a combination of both. Regardless of his intentions, however, the fact remains that — both within the U.S. and abroad — Obama is seen as ushering in the downfall of this great nation.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 20:38:59 +0000

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