~*~” U.K.’s PRECRIME SNITCH SOCIETY, HUNDREDS OF CHILDREN IDENTIFIED AS EXTREMISM RISK. Hundreds of children identified as extremism risk, Even Dustbin Men Are Pointing Fingers At Very Young Children In Our New Snitch Society-Precrime Project Made Public 2009, (Crackpot Social Science With No Evidence To Back Idiotic Cloud-Nine Theory).// Immigration Is A Constant Drain On Public Services, Says CAMERON As He Attacks Decade Of ‘Completely Lax’ Border Policies.// Even E.U. Immigrants Can Use Help To Buy: Government Is Powerless To Stop Migrants From Using Scheme To Get On Housing Ladder.// DAVID CAMERON Accused Of Using ‘Stitched Together’ Memo As Tories Try To Calm LYNTON CROSBY Controversy. Cabinet Secretary Dragged Into Row Over Lobbying And Tory Strategist.// Sir JEMERY HEYWOOD P.P.S. (Principle Parliament Secretary) For TONY BLAIR. Left 2003 After Claiming He Did Not Minute BLAIR’s Meetings Regarding Dr KELLY. Moves On To Being M.D. For MORGAN STANLEY U.K. Investment Banking Division At Time SOUTHERN CROSS Scandal That Left 30,000 Elderly People Homeless. Returns To Downing Street As Downing Street Chief Of Staff & Downing Street Permanent Secretary Alongside The Cabinet Office. (So When Will They Require Him Not To For fill His Duties?) PETER OBORNE Political Commentator Described HEYWOOD As “A Perfect Manifestation Of Everything That Has Gone So Very Wrong With The BRITISH Civil Service Over The Last 15 Years”, // EUROZONE ‘Pulling Out Of Recession’ As Private Sector Output Hits 18-Month High-Live (HA!! HA!! HHHhhhaaa!!! Yes And I’m An Astronaut). U.K. Economic Recovery Expected To Gather Pace In Official GDP (Gross Domestic Product) Figures. (The Great Expectation’s).// BLOOMBERG: CHINA Manufacturing Weakens Further As Slowdown Deepens: Economy.// VINCE CABLE (Once Secretary Of State For Business) Today Caused Astonishment By Comparing BANK Of ENGLAND Officials With The Murderous Zealots Of The TALIBAN.// Banks To Publish Local Lending Data.// House Prices To Soar 42% By 2020 And Lock Out Millions More-But Is A Homes Shortage Or Cheap Credit To Blame U.K. Property Bubble?// DAVID WILLETTS (Minister Of State For Universities And Science): Our Privately Funded University Revolution.// CLEGG’s (U.K. Deputy Prime Minister) Youth Jobs Plan Flops-More Proof That He Took The Wrong Job When The Coalition Was Formed.// New WHITEHALL Central Buying Service To Save More For The Taxpayers. (More Noses For The Pig Trough).// N.H.S. Junior Staff (Nurse Etc.) Taking Flack For Managers And N.H.S. Heads Inabilities.// No Journalist Ban In SYRIA. Middle East Reporter PATRICK HENNINGSEN Gives Low Down In UK Column Live Studio.// List Of 100 Firms Given To M.P.’s ‘The Tip Of The Iceberg’.// NSA Spying Revelations Prompt Some Ordinary Citizens To Rethink Computing Habits.”~*~ This Write Up Was Done By Blackhole Bridger. All Comments In Enclosed Brackets Are My Responsibility Alone. Lots More In This Mins 50:24 Secs Broadcast With Your Hosts Today Middle East Reporter PATRICK HENNINGSEN, BRIAN GERRISH And MIKE ROBINSON With Your In Depth News Analysis, Guiding You Through The Propaganda As It Is Fed To You By The Mainstream Media, So To Get Into The Know Click Below. youtu.be/ySEQz8NLzxA
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 19:49:51 +0000

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